Suiysuim RO system's Self-Flushing is an automatic process of washing the RO system, including the
pure storage tank, PCC+RO filters and internal pipes. The process is done with purified water and
there are two kinds of self-flushing: the System Startup and Daily Maintenance. It’s easy to operate
the self-flushing process,
For the System Startup, please go as follows:
1. Clean and fill the raw water tank to the MAX line
2. Plug and wait for 30mins
3. Process is complete when To Flush button stops flashing and goes out
4. Wait for 7 minutes and enjoy pure water
For Daily Maintenance, please go as follows:
1. When system is not used for 48H, TO Flush will be on to remind starting auto-flush
2. Water level in the raw water tank is at MIN line
3. Click Flush icon to start auto-flush and wait for 3-4mins
4. Process is complete when To Flush button stops flashing and goes out
5. Wait for 7 minutes and enjoy pure water
1. Press Flush icon for 5s to start manual-flush whenever you want
2. Raw water tank is empty
3. Wait for 3-4mins
4. Process is complete when To Flush button stops flashing and goes out
5. Cut off the power and clean the internal pure water tank with a towel
6. Plug in and refill the raw water tank to the MAX line
7. Wait for 7 minutes and enjoy pure water
*Before starting flushing, please ensure that the water level in the raw water tank is strictly in
accordance with the requirements to avoid overflow or process stopping.
*If Lack Water Alerts or process stops during flush period, lift the raw water tank slightly and
reposition it firmly, filling the raw water tank to approach the middle level, then process will continue