Compliance to CFC recovery and destruction a
Compliance to CFC recovery and destruction aCompliance to CFC recovery and destruction a
Compliance to CFC recovery and destruction act.
(Apply for used in Japan)
(Apply for used in Japan)(Apply for used in Japan)
(Apply for used in Japan)
The CFC used in this product as a refrigerant is subject to laws forbidding the release of CFC etc. and
mandating recovery and destruction of the gas, “Act on Ensuring the Implementation of Recovery and
Destruction of Fluorocarbons concerning Designated Products” implemented in April 1st, 2002. Please
comply to the following laws when disposing or repairing this product.
Obligation of each party of the recovery and destruction system.
Disposer of specific products
Obligation to deliver CFC to CFC recovery operator.(Art. 19)
Subjection to expenses for processing.(recovery, transport, destruction)(Art. 56)
Obligation to manage (issue, collection and storage of process control slip) CFC recovery through
documentation.(process control slip)(Art. 19, Art. 20)
Obligation to deliver mechanic of specific product(Art. 18)
Obligation to identify and be held accountable for specific demolition work contractor.(Art. 19)
CFC Recovery Operator
Obligation to be registered by the governor.(Art. 9)
Obligation to deliver CFC related material to CFC destruction operator.(Art. 21)
Obligation to comply to CFC related material collection and transportation standards.(Art. 20)
Obligation to record recovered amount and report to the governor.(Art. 22)
CFC Destruction Operator
Obligation to obtain permission from competent minister.(Art. 44)
Obligation to collect from CFC recovery operators.(Art. 52)
Duty to record the amount destroyed and to report to the competent minister.(Art. 53)
Specific product manufacturer
Obligation of labeling(Art. 66)
Manufacturer of specific products must indicate the following information on CFC related material filled in
the product as an refrigerant in an easily visible and durable manner on products in question prior to
At CKD, the following is indicated on products in compliance to this act.
For HFC(R-407C)(words in black)
The HFC indicated above will be replaced to HCFC for models with HCFC (R-22)(words in blue)
Products purchased prior to April 1st, 2002 may not have the above plate, but the same
laws will apply. Please contact your distributor or the nearest sales office if you have any questions on
disposal or repair.
(1)It is illegal to release CFC related materials into the atmosphere without reason.
(2)CFC related materials must be recovered when disposing this product.
(3)Quantity and refrigerant no. of CFC related material.
CFC recovery and destruction act
CFC recovery and destruction actCFC recovery and destruction act
CFC recovery and destruction act
Class 1 specified product
Class 1 specified productClass 1 specified product
Class 1 specified product
● This product uses CFC related materials (HFC) as a refrigerant.
(1)It is illegal to release CFC related materials into the atmosphere without reason.
(2)CFC related materials must be recovered when disposing this product.
(3)Quantity and refrigerant no. of CFC related material is indicated on the product name plate.