1.9 13
ibaPDA-Interface-Generic-UDP Data Interface Generic-UDP
You can select the type of text coding or the code page here for a correct interpretaon and dis-
play of the received text data. Available for selecon are:
■ System locale (default): Coding according to the Windows system sengs
■ Western European (1252): 8-bit coding, including ASCII and Western European umlauts, spe-
cial characters
■ UTF-8: Unicode, for universal characters, including ASCII, Asian languages, etc.
Swap analog signals, Swap digital signals
Opon to change the order of the byte evaluaon
With these two values the connecon to a certain controller can be clearly idened. The port
has to be within the port range dened for the interface and has to be enabled for the rewall
(see ì General interface sengs, page 10).
Specify here the mulcast address used by the controller to send data to ibaPDA using Mul-
cast. The mulcast addresses are in the range from through
The only dierence between the mulcast and unicast modules is the desna-
on IP address on side of the sending controller. For the unicast modules this is
the IP address of the ibaPDA server PC. For the mulcast modules, this is a mul-
cast address.
There are the following limitaons: The combinaon of source address and des-
naon port number of a mulcast module must be dierent than that combi-
naon of all the other unicast and mulcast modules. So, you cannot have one
sender sending to dierent mulcast addresses with the same port number. You
also cannot have a sender that is sending both unicast and mulcast messages to
the same port number.
Module Layout
No. analog signals, No. digital signals
Dene the number of congurable analog and digital signals in the signal tables. The default
value is 32 for each. The Maximum value is 4096. The signal tables are adjusted accordingly.
Note that the total amount of data must not exceed 4096 bytes for analog and digital signals
You can nd further informaon in the ibaPDA manual.