Lightolier is a Philips group brand
631 Airport Road, Fall River, MA 02720 • (508) 679-8131 • Fax (508) 674-4710
We reserve the right to change details of design, materials and finish.
www.lightolier.com © 2008 Philips Group • F0708
Job Information Type:
Job Name:
Cat. No.:
Lytecaster Recessed Downlighting 1302
Page 1 of 2 3 3/4", 5", & 6 3/4" Aperture Glass Collar Lytegems
1 2
1" Max.
A Dia.
Frame-in Kit
Reflector Trim
D Dia.
1. Reflector Trim: (See Reflector Trim Specification Sheet.)
2. Lamp: See Reflector Trim Specification Sheet and above.
3. Frame-In Kit: (See Frame-In Kit Specification Sheet.)
4. Die-Cast Collar: Matte black.
5. Lytegem: Cast glass, clear etched.
Lighting Data
Provided for matte black step baffle only.
Mounted to reflector trim flange by (2) toggle screws and (1) screw provided.
Painted finish baked enamel.
UL (Suitable for Damp Locations) I.B.E.W.
Complete fixture consists of Frame-In Kit, Reflector, and Lytegem.
Lytegems Use with Use With Lamps Dimensions
Catalog No. Reflector Trims Frame-In Kit D E H A
1302 Clear Etched 2005 2000LV, 2000LVR 50W MR16 3 3/8” 1 1/2” 5 1/2” 3 3/8”
2005WH 2000LVNT 42W MR16 5 3/8” for
2002P1 40W A19 (60W A19)* LV F.I.K.
2003R* 50W PAR20
75W PAR16, R20
2008 2013 2002P1 40W A19 (60W A19)* 3 3/8” 1 1/2” 5 1/2” 3 3/8”
2010 2013BK 2003R* 50W PAR 20
2012 2013CD 75W PAR16, R20
1402 Clear Etched 1005 1012 1002P1, 1000IC 65W BR30 (85W BR30)* 6 11/16” 1 1/2” 6 3/4” 4 5/8”
1005WH 1013 1000ICM, 1000AICM 75W A19, PAR30 7 5/16” for
1008 1013BK 1003R* †40W A19 in IC Kits IC. F.I.K.
1010 1013CD
1027 1027WH 1002P1, 1000IC 50W PAR20 6 11/16” 1 1/2” 7” 4 5/8”
1027BK 1038 1000ICM, 1000AICM 75W PAR16, PAR30 7 5/16” for
1027CD 1048 1003R IC F.I.K.
1055LV 1063LV 1000LV, 1000ICV 75W MR16 6 11/16” 1 1/2” 6 5/8” 4 5/8”
1055WHLV 1064LV †35W MR16, (ICV) 7 5/16” for
1056LV 1000LVNT 65W MR16 IC F.I.K.
1502 Clear Etched 1105 1112 1102P1 100W A19 8 5/8” 2” 7 15/16” 6 1/4”
1105WH 1113 1103R 150W A21, PAR38, BR40
1108 1113BK
1110 1113WH
1105T 1113TCL 1102T Series (2) 13W Twin Tube 8 5/8” 2” 3 7/8” 6 1/4”
1105TWH 1113TGD 1102T13U (2) 13W Quad Tube
1102T18U (2) 18W Quad Tube
1102T26U (2) 26W Quad Tube
1127 1127WH 1102P1 85W BR30 8 5/8” 2” 7 15/16” 6 1/4”
1127BK 1138 1103R 150W BR40, PAR38
1127CD 1148
1155 1163 1102P1 50W PAR36 12V 8 5/8” 2” 7 1/8” 6 1/4”
1155WH 1164 1103R 25W PAR36 5.5V
1161 1161WH 1102P1 50W MR16 8 5/8” 2” 7 1/4” 6 1/4”
1105HR 1113HR 1100HF/ All Ballast Assemblies See Lytecaster H.I.D. 8 5/8” 2” 7 15/16” 6 1/4”
1102HF Spec Sheet See Spec
D Dia.
D Dia.
D Dia.