The client requires network connectivity (possibly via a proxy)
Internet access on port 8080
http access on port 80 (outgoing only)
https access on port 443 (outgoing only)
Proxies requiring NTLM authentication are not supported.
Ideal Hardware Tuning Requirements
Because of the architectural changes made in version 4.0 and the newer version 8.1 of
postgreSQL, you can configure protexIP to run with multiple hard drives in various arrays for
enhanced performance. The databases can be distributed over multiple drives or arrays and
therefore distribute some of the drive input/output. The multiple hard drives/arrays should be
configured as follows:
• Array 1—Used for the Operating System. (see the example above )
• Array 2—Used for the finger print database (fp_basic). This array should be at least
300GB in size and be configured for high read performance. RAID 0 or RAID 5 is suggested
depending upon availability requirements.
• Array 3—for bds_customer, bds_basic, fp_customer databases. Size requirement will vary
from customer to customer. Array should be configured for high read and write performance
as well as provide some data protection. RAID 1 or RAID 10 may be good candidates for this
• Array 4—for the ‘write ahead log’. The size required from this array will vary depending upon
the database configuration. However, generally an array of 73GB should suffice. This array
should be configured for high write performance with redundancy.
If you have servers that expect multiple scans to occur at the same time, or to allow users to
access the system while performing analysis, here are more ideas for tuning your system.
Depending upon your bottleneck, you can improve performance by:
• Adding additional drives to split the fingerprint database (fp_basic).
• Adding additional CPU(s).
• Adding more memory.