
Acme Made MT104B, MT102B, MT102S, MT104S, MT106S, MT109B, MT109S, MT109S ultra slim Installation guide

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Model: MT109S
wall bracket
Step 1a
GB Solid concrete mounting
LT Montavimas prie kieto betono pagrindo
LV Montāža uz betona pamatnes
EE Paigaldamine stabiilsele betoonseinale
RU Монтаж на бетонную поверхность
PL Uchwyt do mocowania na ścianie
DE Belastbarer Betonanker
UA Цілісний бетонний монтаж
RO Montarea pe perete solid din beton
BG Монтаж върху бетонна повърхност
ES Montaje de concreto sólido
FR Montage sur béton massif
PT Montagem em betão sólido
Step 1b
GB Wood stud Mounting
LT Tvirtinimas prie medinių konstrukcijų
LV Montāža uz koka spraišļa
EE Puittihvtide paigaldamine
RU Установка на деревянный каркас
PL Montaż na ścianie o drewnianej
konstrukcji szkieletowej
DE Kantholzbefestigung
UA Монтаж за допомогою штифтів для
RO Montarea pe stâlpii din lemn
BG Монтиране върху дървена опора
ES Montaje de montante de madera
FR Montage sur tasseau en bois
PT Montagem em viga de madeira
Step 3
GB Hang the TV onto the wall plate
LT Televizoriaus pakabinimas ant rėmo
LV Piestipriniet televizoru pie sienas
EE Kinnitage teler seinaplaadile
RU Установка телевизора на стенную балку
PL Należy zawiesić telewizor na uchwycie
DE Einhängen des TV-Geräts an der Wandplatte
UA Повісити телевізор на підпірку
RO Agăţaţi televizorul pe perete
BG Закачете телевизора на стенната плоча
ES Cuelgue la TV en la placa de la pared
FR Suspendez la TV sur la plaque murale
PT Pendurar a TV numa base de
This product contains small items that could be a choking hazard if swallowed.Keep these items away from young children.
• Make Sure these instructions are read and completely understood before attempting installation.If you are unsure of any part of this installation,please
contact a professional installer for assistance.
• The wall or mounting surface must be capable of supporting the combined weight of the mount and the display,otherwise the structure must be reinforced.
• Safety gear and proper tools must be used.A minimum of two people are required for this installation.Failure to use safety gear can result in property
damage,serious injury or death.
• Please check joint parts every two months,making sure the screws are loosened or not.
This product was designed to be installed on wood stud walls and solid concrete walls.Before installing, make sure the wall will support the combined load of
the equipment and hardware. Never exceed the maximum load capacity 40 kg, or else it may result in product failure or personal injury.
Note: this product is intended for indoor use only.Use of this product outdoors could lead to product failure or personal injury.
Šiame tvirtinimo komplekte yra smulkių detalių, kurias prarijus galima uždusti, todėl saugokite komplektą vaikams nepasiekiamoje vietoje.
• Priešpradėdamimontavimodarbus,ikigaloperskaitykiteirišsiaiškinkitešiojeinstrukcijojepateiktusnurodymus.Jeikylakokiųneaiškumų,pasikonsultuokite
su kvalikuotu meistru.
• Sienaarkitasmontuotipasirinktaspagrindasturibūtipakankamaitvirtasirstabilus,kadišlaikytųbendrątelevizoriausirtvirtinimorėmosvorį.Jeipagrindas
• Montuokitenaudodamitinkamusįrankiusirsaugumopriemones.Montavimodarbusturiatliktimažiausiaidusuaugęasmenys.Nenaudojantsaugumo
priemonių, padidėja turto žalos, rimtų ir mirtinų sužalojimų rizika.
• Nerečiaukaipkasdumėnesiustikrinkitejungtis,atsilaisvinusiusvaržtuspriveržkite.
Šis gaminys skirtas montuoti prie medinio karkaso sienos arba kieto betoninio pagrindo (sienos). Prieš pradėdami montuoti patikrinkite, ar siena pakankamai
Pastaba: šis gaminys skirtas naudoti patalpose. Naudodami gaminį lauke rizikuojate jį sugadinti ir susižaloti.
Warranty card
Product Product model
Product purchase date Seller name, address
Failures (date, description, position of the person who accepts the product, rst name, last name and signature)
1. Warranty period
Warranty enters into force starting with the day when the buyer acquires the
product from the seller. Warranty period is indicated on the package of the product.
2. Warranty conditions
The warranty is valid only by providing an original document of the product
acquisition and this warranty sheet, which includes name of the product model,
product purchase date, name and address of the seller.
If it is noticed during the warranty period that the product has faults and these
faults where not caused by any of the reasons when the warranty is not applied as
indicated in the paragraphs below, manufacturer undertakes to replace the product.
The warranty is not applied to regular testing, maintenance and repair or
replacement of the parts which are worn out naturally.
The warranty is not applied if damage or failures occurred due to the following
• Inappropriateinstallationoftheproduct,inappropriateusageand/oroperating
the product without following the manual, technical requirements and safety
standards as provided by the manufacturer, and additionally, inappropriate
warehousing, falling from heights as well as hard strikes.
• Corrosion,mud,waterandsand.
• Repairworks,modicationsorcleaning,whichwereperformedbyaservicenot
authorised by the manufacturer.
• Usageofthespareparts,softwareorconsumptivematerialswhichdonotapplyto
the product.
• Accidentsoreventsoranyotherreasonswhichdonotdependonthemanufacturer,
which includes lightning, water, re, magnetic eld and inappropriate ventilation.
• Iftheproductdoesnotmeetstandardsandspecicationsofaparticularcountry,
in which it was not bought. Any attempt to adjust the product in order to meet
technical and safety requirements such as those in the other countries withdraws
all the rights to the warranty service.
If no failures are detected in the product, all the expenses in relation to the service
are covered by the buyer.
Model: MT109S