Rosemount TankMaster Net WebSite User guide

User guide
User’s Guide
Ref. no: 303040E
Third Edition, February 2007
Rosemount Website
User’s Guide
Third Edition
Copyright © 2001-2007 Rosemount Tank Radar AB
Rosemount 3
Third Edition, February 2007
Copyright © 2001 - 2007 Rosemount Tank Radar AB, Sweden,
Copyright law and international treaties protect this program. Unauthorized
reproduction, distribution of this program or any portion of it may result in severe civil
and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under
the law.
4 Rosemount
Third Edition, February 2007
Overview of Manuals
Overview of Manuals
This manual describes the procedure for installing on Windows
2000 Server, Windows XP Pro and Windows 2003 Server with Internet
Information Services (IIS). Before installing Server, minimum
system requirements have to be met that are mentioned in this manual. The
manual also presents the minimum system requirements for installing
This manual describes the procedure for configuring the
Server. The information that is viewed on the Website/WAP
website is set by the Administrator using the Configuration
application. The manual describes how the Administrator can create, edit,
delete and assign rights to the Users and Groups for viewing tanks.
This manual describes the DataCollector application, which displays the Live
and Static data of the tanks polled with the current date and time. The manual
also explains how to start and end the application manually or automatically.
The data collected by this application is displayed on the
Website/WAP websites.
This manual provides a detailed description of various menus, products,
information etc which are viewed by the user on the website. The user can
change limited details of his profile, view details of all products, individual tanks,
view graphs and download tank information in Excel format.
This manual gives a detailed description of the information that is available on
users who are logged on to the TMn2Web website. It also displays the current
page being viewed by the user, the session Id assigned, session start time and
session expiry time. Only the Administrator can access this website.
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Overview of Manuals
This manual describes how the WAP website works using an
Internet browser. It also describes how to view details of individual tanks and
product groups.
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1.0 Folder names and conventions used throughout this document.......8
2.0 Introduction........................................................................................9
2.1 Overview of website.............................................9
2.1.1 Login page.....................................................9
2.1.2 Post Login Page..........................................10
3.0 Login................................................................................................13
4.0 Change Profile.................................................................................15
5.0 Help.................................................................................................17
5.1 Help..............................................................................................17
5.2 Glossary.......................................................................................17
6.0 Tank Inventory.................................................................................18
7.0 Overview .........................................................................................19
7.1 All Products..................................................................................19
7.2 All Tanks ......................................................................................21
7.3 Schematic ....................................................................................22
7.4 Error Indications...........................................................................23
8.0 History Graphs ................................................................................25
9.0 Download ........................................................................................30
10.0 Auto Refresh .................................................................................32
11.0 Logout ...........................................................................................35
12.0 Add/Modify a Language to website................36
12.1 To change the default language of the website
12.2 To add a language to the website....................37
12.3 To modify a Language for the website.............39
13.0 Description of .ini files for website......................47
13.1 Colors.ini....................................................................................49
13.2 Current.ini...................................................................................51
13.3 DownloadUnicode.ini.................................................................57
13.4 Format_Html.ini and Format_Win.ini .........................................60
13.5 History.ini and HistoryUnicode.ini..............................................67
13.6 Language.ini ..............................................................................69
13.7 Login.ini......................................................................................75
13.8 PieChartUnicode.ini...................................................................75
13.9 Schematic.ini..............................................................................76
14.0 Troubleshooting.............................................................................78
Second Edition, February 2007
Folder names and conventions used throughout this document
1.0 Folder names and conventions used
throughout this document
In this document we will need to refer to some folders regularly. With a view to
make such references easier and shorter we will use the following
TMnData will refer to the folder that by default resides in:
C:\Program Files\Saab\TankMasternet\TMnData
TMn2Web will refer to the folder that by default resides in:
C:\Program Files\Saab\TankMasternet\TMn2Web
TMn2WebHelp will refer to the folder that by default resides in:
C:\Program Files\Saab\TankMasternet\TMn2Web\WebHelp
Language Folder will refer to a subfolder of TMnData with the
LanguageName, Example: The English folder will refer to the folder that
resides in:
C:\Program Files\Saab\TankMasternet\TMnData\English.
There is also a Language subfolder that resides in:
C:\Program Files\Saab\TankMasternet\TMn2Web\WebHelp.
8 Rosemount
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2.0 Introduction
2.1 Overview of website
The main aim of is to make data of the tanks and
products available to users all over the world from offices, residences or
WAP phones. This data is available to users who are assigned a
Username and Password by the administrator. Users can only read the
data available on the website and view/download data in the form of Excel
spreadsheets for editing. The configuration of is achieved
with the help of the Configuration and
DataCollector applications.
To access the website open the Internet browser, in the
address field enter
http://servername/tankmasternet. The servername
should be replaced by the internet name of the TankMaster Server or its
IP address. (E.g.
http://mpix191/tankmasternet or The TCP port 80 (HTTP) is needed
to be enabled in the firewall/router settings for to be
accessible on Internet.
If the TankMaster Server does not have a hardware lock, the
DataCollector and the website will run in DEMO MODE. A user by the
name of DEMO is created by default during the
installation. If the application is working in DEMO MODE, only the user by
the name DEMO will be allowed to login to the website. To overcome this
mode, connect the hardware lock to the parallel/USB port of the
TankMaster Server.
2.1.1 Login page
The Login page is the default page of the website.
This page allows a valid user to Login, Change Profile and
change Language. It also provides Help for items on the Login
Language Selection
The website can be configured to be viewed in different languages.
The default language is English. The administrators can add/modify
a language. The language configuration files are located in
TMnData and TMn2Web\WebHelp folders.
Note! For adding/modifying a language the Operating System should support
the desired language.
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The Login option allows a valid user to login into the website.
Change Profile
The Change Profile option allows the user to change their profile
according to the rights assigned by the administrator.
To change the user profile, click the Change Profile option on the
Login page. The administrator can add/remove the fields of the
Change Profile window, by editing the Login.ini file located in the
TMnData\Language directory.
Help option
The Help option has two submenus, Help and Glossary.
The Help submenu provides help on items of the Login page.
The Glossary submenu displays the details of the terms used
on the website.
After the user logs in, the default page as set by the administrator is
2.1.2 Post Login Page
The navigation bar of this website contains: Tank List, Overview,
History, Download, Help and Logout.
Tank List
This option displays the list of available tanks mapped to the local
computer. Individual tank inventory can be viewed by clicking on a
tank in the Tank List.
Overview option
The Overview option has sub menus: All Products, All Tanks and
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All Products
The All Products submenu will display the details of all products
in a pie chart. It also displays the aggregate of the tank values in
the product group. The administrator can control the fields
displayed by editing the Current.ini file, located in the TMnData
All Tanks
The All Tanks submenu will display the details of all tanks as a
bar graph. It also displays available values of each tank. The
administrator can control the fields displayed by editing the
Current.ini file, located in the TMnData directory.
The Schematic submenu will display the layout of the Tank
Farm. The Schematic web page has links (hotspot) to the Tank
Inventory page. The web user can click on the hotspot of the
tank that is visible on the schematic image to view the details of
the selected tank. The administrator can control the hotspots
displayed on the schematic diagram by editing the
Schematic.ini file, located in the TMnData\Language folders.
This file contains the tank name and the co-ordinates that are
used to control the size and the location of the tank in the
schematic diagram.
History option
The History option will display the past data of the OPC items in a
graphical format. The History page allows the user to view the
graphs of the tanks, by selecting the OPC items and setting the
date/time period. Tanks are identified by using different colors set
by the administrator. Changes can be made by editing the
History.ini and HistoryUnicode.ini files located in
TMnData\Language folders. This file allows the administrator to
set/change the default Refresh Rate for the history page, items to
be viewed under OPC items and the history period (in time) for the
graph to be displayed.
Download option
The Download option allows the user to download Live and Static
data in the form of an Excel workbook. The data contains Inventory
data of All Tanks and All Products.
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When the Download option is clicked during browsing the History
page, the data downloaded, will be the History data. If any other
page is being browsed, and the user clicks on the Download
option, the data downloaded is the Current data.
The administrator can control the fields that can be downloaded by
the user through a file DownloadUnicode.ini”. This file is in the
TMnData\Language directory. The Excel workbook will display the
Current and History data.
Help option
The Help option has two submenus: Help and Glossary.
The Help submenu displays the help file of the current web
The Glossary submenu displays the details of the terms used
on the website.
The Logout option exits the users from the website
and displays the Login page.
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Third Edition, February 2007
3.0 Login
To access the website open the Internet browser, and in the
address field enter
http://servername/tankmasternet. The servername should
be replaced by the internet name of the TankMaster Server or its IP address.
http://mpix191/tankmasternet or
Select the Login button. This allows web users to login to the
website. Only those web users who have a valid
LoginID and Password
assigned by the administrator will be able to login to this website.
Login to the website the user will have to do the following:
The default language of the Login page is English. The user can change
the language, by selecting a language on the language bar.
Select the Login option from the navigation bar, to allow the user to login
to the website
A Login window will be displayed with fields for LoginID and Password.
The valid LoginID and Password should be entered in these fields.
If an incorrect LoginID or Password is entered, an error message
Authentication error. Please try again will appear.
Note! A hardware lock should be connected on the TankMaster Server. If the
hardware lock is not found, the user will have to login to the website with
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a LoginID and Password as “demo”. In DEMO MODE a maximum of five
Demo users are allowed. The number of concurrent users will depend
upon the hardware lock connected to the machine.
14 Rosemount
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Change Profile
4.0 Change Profile
The user can change his profile by selecting the
Change Profile option on the
navigation bar of the Login page, according to the rights assigned by the
To Change Profile
The Change Profile window is displayed below.
The user will have to click on the Change Profile option on the navigation
bar of the Login page.
Note! The user is allowed to change his profile if the administrator has
assigned rights to the user in the Configuration
The user should enter the LoginID, Old Password, New Password and
Confirm Password in the fields provided. All fields are mandatory.
To change the password, the user should enter the LoginID in the field
provided for the LoginID. The old password (which at present is the
current password) is to be provided in Old Password field. The New
Password is to be entered in the field for New Password. This password
will be retyped in the field provided for Confirm Password.
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Change Profile
The user should click on the button to submit the information. After
clicking the
button, the user data will be saved.
If the user does not want to change his profile, he should select any other
option available on the Login page of the navigation bar or click on the
Change Profile option to exit from the Change Profile menu.
Note! If for any reason the user is not able to change his profile, he will have to
ask for the administrator’s assistance. After the password is changed, the user
will login to the website with the new password. The administrator can add
fields in the Change Profile menu by making changes in the “Login.ini” file
located in the TMnData\Language directories. A user cannot change his profile
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Third Edition, October2004
5.0 Help
Help option is available on the navigation bar of the Login Page.
The Help menu contains two submenus,
Help and Glossary. The Help
submenu contains the help on various pages on the website and the
Glossary submenu contains the definitions of terms used in the website.
5.1 Help
If the user clicks on the Help option before logging into the website, he will be able to view help on Login and
Change Profile.
If the user clicks on the Help option after logging into the
website, he will be able to view help on the section that he is currently
5.2 Glossary
To access the Glossary section the user will have to click on the Help
option on the navigation bar and click on Glossary.
The Glossary page will contain definitions of the terms used in the website.
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Tank Inventory
6.0 Tank Inventory
To view a single tank’s inventory, either select a tank from the
Tank List
option in the navigation bar, or select the tank from the
Tree view.
The single tank inventory window is as displayed below.
The Tree view will display Available Tanks. These tanks can be viewed
All Tanks and under the respective product category to which they
All Tanks will display a list of all available tanks of all products. Click on the ‘+’
button to view all tanks.
To view tanks of a particular product, click on the ‘+’ button under the product
To view a single tank’s inventory, click on an individual tank name from
or the product group.
The rate of change in the levels of the product in the tank is shown by the up
and down arrows on the image of the tank. The up arrow signifies that the rate
of change is increasing and the down arrow signifies that the rate of change is
decreasing. If a red cross is visible in place of the arrow it signifies that it is an
Invalid Tank.
Note! For details on Error Indications in OPC value of a tank, refer to
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7.0 Overview
The Overview option on the navigation bar has three submenus, All
Products, All Tanks and Schematic.
7.1 All Products
Overview of All Products
The All Products submenu allows the user to view details of all the
products that are available. The pie chart displays the aggregate of Total
Level Available, Total Level Utilized and the Free Water Level, by the
product available in the tanks in percentage value.
The net aggregate values as set up by the administrator are displayed
below the pie charts.
The image shown below, displays the Overview of all products.
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If the user clicks on the pie chart of a product it will link to a page where
he will be able to view all the tanks that are listed under the particular
The Overview of All Products will show the products with their levels
and other details. The rates of change in levels of the product in the tank
are shown by the up and down arrows. The Up arrow signifies that the
rate of change is increasing and the Down arrow signifies that the rate of
change is decreasing.
The Refresh Rate window appears below the Product tree view. The
default Refresh Rate is set as 90 seconds. This setting can be changed
by entering the Refresh Rate in seconds and clicking on the Set Rate
If the Refresh Rate is set to zero, it means that the data will not be
refreshed. Do not set the Refresh Rate below 30 seconds.
Note! For details on Error Indications in OPC value of a tank, refer to
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Rosemount TankMaster Net WebSite User guide

User guide

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