KKnnooww BBeeffoorree yyoouu GGoo
To learn how to reduce the risk of ac-
cident for you or bystanders, read this
Operator's Guide before you operate
the vehicle.
Also, read all safety labels on your ve-
hicle and watch the
Safety Video
cated at:
hhttttppss::////ccaann--aamm.. bbrrpp.. ccoomm//ooffff rrooaadd//
Or use the following QR code.
This vehicle is for off-road use only. It
is mainly for general recreational use
but it may also be used for utility
Failure to follow the warnings con-
tained in this Operator's Guide can re-
AAggee RReeccoommmmeennddaattiioonn
((CCaannaaddaa//UUnniitteedd SSttaatteess))
This vehicle is a category "T", always
follow this age recommendation:
– This vehicle should be used by an
operator age 14 or older under
adult supervision, or by an opera-
tor age 16 or older.
NNoottiiccee ttoo PPaarreennttss
Review this Operator’s Guide with any
user of the vehicle.
Please take time with the children to
review the instructions on its safe and
proper use, and pay particular atten-
tion to the on-product safety labels,
before allowing them to ride the
Understand the controls and operation
of the vehicle and carefully read the
Operator’s Guide.
Always remember that your approach
to safety influences the child.
TThhiiss AATTVV iiss nnoott aa ttooyy..
–– CChhiillddrreenn ddiiffffeerr iinn sskkiillllss,, pphhyyssii--
ccaall aabbiilliittiieess,, aanndd jjuuddggeemmeenntt..
SSoommee cchhiillddrreenn mmaayy nnoott bbee aabbllee
ttoo ooppeerraattee tthhiiss AATTVV ssaaffeellyy..
–– NNeevveerr aallllooww ccoonnttiinnuueedd uussee ooff
tthhee vveehhiiccllee bbyy aa cchhiilldd iiff hhee ddooeess
nnoott hhaavvee tthhee aabbiilliittiieess,, tthhee
ssttrreennggtthh oorr tthhee jjuuddggeemmeenntt ttoo
ooppeerraattee iitt ssaaffeellyy..
–– TThhiiss vveehhiiccllee sshhoouulldd bbee uusseedd bbyy
aann ooppeerraattoorr aaggee 1144 oorr oollddeerr
uunnddeerr aadduulltt ssuuppeerrvviissiioonn,, oorr bbyy
aann ooppeerraattoorr aaggee 1166 oorr oollddeerr..
–– BBRRPP rreeccoommmmeennddss tthhaatt aallll AATTVV
rriiddeerrss ttaakkee aa ttrraaiinniinngg ccoouurrssee..
AAggee RReeccoommmmeennddaattiioonn
((OOuuttssiiddee CCaannaaddaa//UUnniitteedd
This vehicle is a category G, always
follow this age recommendation:
– A person under the age of 16
should never operate this vehicle.
TTrraaiinniinngg CCoouurrssee
Never operate this vehicle without
proper instruction. TTaakkee aa ttrraaiinniinngg
ccoouurrssee.. All operators should receive
training from a certified instructor.
For more information about ATV
safety, contact an authorized Can-Am
Off-road dealer to find out about avail-
able training courses nearest you.
In the United States, call the Specialty
Vehicle Institute of America (SVIA) at
1 800 887– 2887 or in Canada, the
Canada Safety Council (CSC) at 1
613 739–1535.