Recording automation of a device parameter
1. Make sure there is a sequencer track for the device.
For the instrument devices and the Matrix, sequencer tracks are auto-
matically added when you create the device. For a mixer or effect device,
you need to add tracks manually, by selecting “Create Sequencer Track
for...” from the device context menu. You can also select “Sequencer
Track” from the Create menu and connect the created track manually to
the desired device (in the Out column in the track list).
2. Click in the In column for the track in the track list, so that a MIDI
connector symbol appears.
This indicates that the track will receive MIDI and is ready for recording.
3. Start recording from the desired position.
4. During recording, adjust the desired parameter(s), from the device
panel or from a MIDI controller.
You can record automation for several parameters in the same recording
pass. However:
You can only record automation for one device at a time (the device
whose track receives MIDI).
If you want to record automation for parameters on another device, you
need to click in the In column for the corresponding track, so that the
MIDI connector symbol is moved there.
5. Stop recording.
On the device panel, each automated parameter will have a green frame.
The parameters Feedback and Pan are automated.
In the Arrange view, recorded controllers are indicated in blue (the pale blue “strip”
indicates that the track contains any kind of controller automation).
If you play back the recorded section again, the parameters will change auto-
matically. Outside the recorded section, the parameters will have their origi-
nal settings (the values they had before you started recording).
Recording more for the same controller
If you need to redo a section of recorded automation, or add some automa-
tion of the same controller elsewhere in the song, proceed as follows:
The Overdub/Replace switch does not affect controller recording.
However, you should make sure this is set to “Overdub”, to avoid
accidentally deleting any notes on the track.
1. Set up and start recording in the same way as described above.
As long as you don’t touch the parameter, its automation data will be
played back normally.
2. At the desired position, adjust the parameter.
As soon as you start changing the parameter value, the Punched In indi-
cator will light up on the transport panel.
From this point on, the previously recorded automation will be replaced!
3. Stop recording when you are done.
You have now replaced the section from where you Punched In up to
where you stopped recording.
Any time after Punching In, you can click the Reset button below
the Punched In indicator.
This turns off the Punched In indicator and “resets” the controller record-
ing (making the previously recorded automation active again, from that
position). You are still in record mode, and as soon as you adjust the pa-
rameter again, the Punched In indicator will be lit.
Basically, clicking the Reset button is the same as stopping recording
and starting recording again.
Moving Automated Controllers during Playback - “Live Mode”
Even if you have automated a parameter, you can still “grab it” and adjust it
during playback, overriding the automation. This can be very useful when
playing Reason live, for example:
1. During playback, click and drag an automated parameter.
The Punched In indicator lights up on the transport panel. From this point
on, the recorded automation for the parameter is disabled.
2. To activate the automation again, click the Reset button.
This returns control of the parameter to the sequencer.
Automation override is automatically reset when you stop playback.