......... RegardingTelevisionFormatViewing......
Uaer Ir_te_s W_,nJr_
NOTE Tk,_s_,_pm_n_ has been tested and found
_c,cc,mT_tY with the llrnlt_ For a Class B digital
bevlc_, pursuant to Parl t5 oFthe FCC Rules.
These I;m;l_ ar_ d_s;gned _o provide fe_ so_c)_l_
pro_ect_on ._g_th s_}_Grmfo_their fg_e.¢_ _ _z_s_-
u_, _n_ c_ rc_dlate r_dlo _requency en_.r_y
c_ndl ff not th_tolled and used in occordancewiIh
th_ in_lrvctlons, may cause harm}u] inter_erenc_ _o
rrJd_o ¢_mmun_coffons Howovet Yr_rO _$_¢. g_i-
antee that _t_te_r_r_ce wi_ _t a¢o_ in a pa_l_c_
It this equipmenl do_s cause harmful interference
la radio or television receptions, which cr_ be
determined by turning the _q_pm_t _ _d on_
the _se_ is _r_vr_g_ to t_ to _rrect the inler_
bre_ce by c;n_,or mo_e _f the _olbw_ mea.
• Reorient or r_to_cs_ t_lereco_vthg _nt_nrtG
• Increase the _eprJr_t_o_ _tweet] th_ _.q_
and r_thver
• _olln_l th_ _q_f_n_ tht_ Gn o_llet Oll a ¢_1_
_;_ _[ferent _rom that to whto_ the receiver _s
• Consult th_ dealer or on experienced r_d_o/W
technic_an for h_p.
User Infofm_
O_ange_ a_ modifications nat expresc]y apps'r_ved
by th_ party responsib]_ }or compl_anc_ c_
voJd the 0s_r'_ a_thor}ty 1o ol_t_lo_ _e 'equipment
I_neces_ry_ €unseal your d _ole_ or on _x_er_
_nc_d _d_/t_ev_;on #ec_nlc_csnfor og&'ffonal
s_e_l_s. Yo_ m_y find the beok_e_ccdled How
t_ _de_l_fy and Re_olve Radla/T9 toterierence
ProbE_ms helpful This bc_ol¢let wc_sp_o_d [_y
the Fed,_ro_ Commun}co_ions Qommi_. It _
r_vo}lob_ f_o_ th_ U.S Oavernmen_ Printing
'O f(_c% Web,thOr,eta n, DC 20402, Slack Number
Amer_cr_QA L_k__ ,Samsung
3351 MJcBel_onDrive,
Belie#290, Irvlne, CA92612 USA
User must use sh_elde{_ s_gn_ _r,_,_r_r_e cables to
ma_ntato _FCCc_m_c_oce for the product
_c_d _th this monitor is a det_cbeble power
_ug_ly cord wit_ I_C320 styl_ let m;n_fions.
_tmay be su_nble _orcat_r_e¢l_o_¢to any UL Listed
_ersonaJ computer w_th s}m_)ar _c_f_g_at_on
Before mok}ng tbe con_k:_, mQke _ur_ the volt.
oge _ol_ng o_ tb,_ c_m_uter convenience ouBet is
th_ _¢._e _ _he monitor rJnd that tBe gray,ere rot-
ing o_ the comp_el ¸ conv_n;_nce outlet i_ equals _o
o_ e×c_ed_ lhe man,tar voBe_e n_ng
For t20 %)t app)_cal_, _e _nly UL Be_
_e_ochab_e po',_ _oi_ _v_h NEMA _onflgurotlon
5-15_ _/_,:_r_Elel bladesl plug cap For 240
Vo_t c,9_colions _se onl UL Usled Detochabl_
_ower supply cord wit_ _EMA conflgurr_tion
6015P type I_ndem b_ade_) plug co_
I¢ _:empl_:re_ N_tke
T_ CI_ I_d_gi_oEa_p_ratus meets_ll require-
C_topT;orielr_rlqve de ¢fo_seBr_pe_te
t_._ I_sexlgence_du R_glementICES_303_vr
les_qui_ments pr_duisantdesinterferencesc_u
Thb _ _ Cla_ E product be_d on Ibes_andard
of the Voluntary Control Council _or thterJerence
by th_ormot_on Technology Equipment _gCCI/ _t
th_s i_ _sed n_or a radio or teeny,gun l_v,gl to
the in_tl_c_,_ manual.
Thi_ClassB digital apparatus cornp_feswi_h
Cet _ppo_ _m61que de/a classe B e_t
cockhorse_ _ no.me NMBO03 d_ C_n_d_
i_(s device compiles wffll port 15 o( the FCC Rules.OpeloBe_ _ _5_'J to t_e (ollowthg two conditions:
/_I T_ device moth not cause _arm_l thted_rence, and
2 T_ '_,_v_cemust c_cceptany intederence recelvec} including _nte_e_n_ _be_m_y _Quse
isr_e_re_ olbeFrJt_on
T_e[_vi_iclnrecelver15119 of tBe _C_ ru_s.rovldesdlsplay°}t_levlsi°nclasedcQP_g _ _cord_nce with
Wid_ scoeen brmal PDP Disglay_ II 6:gdbe _g_c_ _Be of Se _c_en width to Be{gh_I a_ prth_ari_y
dew,greed _o v_ew w_e _c_n f_mcs_f_bmotirm _deo.Tbe _mages d_splayeO on them shaved primarily be
in the w_de _cr_ea _6:9 _t_o formcthor expanded to fill the .<rein i} your mode_ _ _, _¢s_ule and th_
_m_g_ me ¢c_l_ntly moving. Displaying slatlonary graphics and _rnog_ ,_r__c_,_ n_ _h us the dc_rk
_d_bers on n_n_xponded stondr._rd Format t_lev_s_0n v_d_o _r,_ pr_g_c_r_thg, sho_!d be llrnimdl !o no
moe _on5%oF he o_ ieevison vewing _ w_e.f.. ....
Add_ian_lly_v_wlng olh_ _cff_ana_y _mag_s and t_×t _c_ o_ _oc,k _ccb_ re_ v_d_ game "_ •
d_s_lay_s_r_on I_go_o_-_b _s _r ¢ornput_ 9_0p_p_,ic__¢_ _t_n_ _ould _e I_mited a_ d_c_ibed above
for art televisions Di_pla_ing _ta_a_y Images fl_,_f exceed the above gui_ellne_ can
_u_e ur_even _alng of POP _fspl_ys Pn_t leave subt_e, laut permanent burned-Be
_bos_ ;_ages ;n the lOP p_,'_._o ovo;d thi_v_ry _ne pr_,g_'ommi,_g ,:rm_ imp,
_ pr_r_dly display full s_reen moving im_ges_not statk_rm_y pattecns or dark ba_.
On PDP m_deJ_ that offer plctgre _izlng b_ture_u_ th_e c_c_ _o"clew dffBee_! form_f_ a_ a flsll sereei_
picture. .....
Be careful h/the selecilon and duration o_ television _c_m_ _d fc_cv_ewing Uneven PDP aging a_ a
result of lot mat s_lectim_ and u_e as well c_ be_:_ _mc_g_s ¢srehal covered by your Samsung I_rn}_d
waft Qr_ty,
Scree_ bt_le rete_ti_
o_ _¢*_d(_l_y a _l/ll/_g_ I_ch as Oll a wdeo game or wn_n noo_ll_ _ r_ _ to f_S _ On r_O pJo_m_
d_p_ay _ane_ [or mare tbe_ several m_ut_s _s _tcr_n couse _c_ _me_e re_t_n This image _etemfo_ is
also known as "screen burn"¸ _o avo_ s_ im_ _tenlion_ refer to age 40 of this manua _ "ore_uc_ th_
d_gree o__rlghtness an_ con_os_ c__k_i__cc_en when dl playing o sl _ image
0 _ell_lect
Tt_ oIg_'_a t_ _av (lon_l ¢on_sf_ o{ _i_e _el_s _lthou_n I_ pol_l_ r_ mo_uced With nlor_ fha_ 9_9
0 tdt_m_
|h_ PD? w_ll has ooe_/oI_-n_r mo_lVat allltude$ above 6500 ft