Important Safety Instructions
1. )or tR[LF vapors produced E\ sprD\iQJ certain materials can create intR[ication
and serious damDJe to health. Alwa\s wear saIHW\ Jlasses, Jloves and
respirator to prevent the to[ic vapor ha]ard, solvent and pointinJ paint cominJ
into contact wiWK\our H\HVRU skin.
1ever use o[\JHQ, comEustLEle or aQ\ other Eottle Jas as a power source or
would cause e[plosion and serious personal inMur\.
)Ouid and solvent can EH hiJKO\ flammaEle or FRPEustiEle. Use the paintJXQ
RQO\ in well
ventilated area, and avoid an\ LJQLWLRQ sources, such as VPRNLQJ
or open flames.
Disconnect paint JXn from air suppl\ hose Eefore doinJ tool maintenance and
durinJ nonoperation.
)or emerJHQc\ stop and prevention of unintended
operation, a Eall valve near the Jun to air suppl\LV recommend.
Use clean, GU\ and rHJulated compressed air rated at .0~.0EDr, never H[FHed
PD[LPum operatinJ pressure 8. EDU(1psi).
6. 1ever use homRJenate h\drocarERQ solvent, which can chemicDOO\ react with
aluminum and ]inc parts and chemicall\ compatLEle with aluminum and
7. 1ever point Jun at\ourself or others at an\time.
8. Before operatinJ the paint Jun, ensure all the screws & caps are securHO\ tiJhtened to prevent leakinJ.
9. Before paintinJ LQVSHFWWKHSDLQWJXQIRr free movement of triJJer and nR]]le.
10. 1ever modiI\ this paint JXn for an\ reason. 2QO\ use parts, no]]les and accessories recommended
E\the manufacturer.
Instructions for Operation
1. After unpaFNLQJ the paint Jun, inspect carefull\ for an\ GDPDJe that PD\ have occurred durinJ transit.
Make sure to WLJKWHQ ILWWLQJV Eolts, etc., Eefore puWWLQJ unit into service.
ThorouJKO\ PL[ and th
in paint in accordance with the paint manufacturer’s instructions. Most materials
will VSUD\ readLO\ if thinned properl\.
. Strain material throXJh filter, cheese cloth or a paint strainer.
. )ill the canister aERut ¾ full and start the air compressor.
WARNING Do not exceed maximum pressure of spray gun or any parts in the compressor system.
After connectiQJ the Jun to the air suppl\, please make sure that the fluid cap, container and air hose
have Eeen connected WLJhWO\ to the VSUD\ JXQ
6. Set up a piece of cardEoard or other scrap material to use as a tarJet and adMust for EestVSUD\ pattern.
WARNING Never aim or spray at yourself or anybody else as it could cause serious injury.
7. Test the consistenc\ of the material E\ makiQJ a few strokes on a carGEoard tarJet. If material still
appears too thick, add a small amount of thinner. THIN WITH CARE! Do not e[ceed paint
manufacturer’s thinniQJrecommendations.