up and thrown bythe blade.Thrown objects
cancauseserious personalinjury.
6. Always wearsafety glassesor safetygoggles
during operationand while performing
an adjustment or repair to protect your
eyes.Thrown objectswhich ricochetcan
causeserious injury to the eyes.
7. Wearsturdy, rough-soled work shoes and
close-fitting slacks andshirts. Shirts and
pantsthat cover the arms and legsand
steel-toedshoes are recommended.Never
operatethis machine in barefeet, sandals,
slippery or light weight (e.g. canvas)shoes.
8. Neverattempt to makeany adjustmentswhile
the engine is running, exceptwhere specifically
recommendedin the operator's manual.
9. Toavoid personal injury or property damage
useextremecarein handling gasoline.
Gasolineis extremely flammableand the
vapors areexplosive. Serious personalinjury
canoccur when gasoline is spilled on yourself
or your clotheswhich can ignite. Washer
your skin and changeclothes immediately.
10. Donot put handsor feet near rotating
parts. Contactwith the rotating blade
canamputatehandsand feet.
11.The bladecontrol handleis a safety device.
Neverbypassits operation. Doingso, makesthe
machine unsafeand may cause personalinjury.
12. Neveroperatewithout bladeguard, debris shield
and bladecontrol handlein placeandworking.
13. Neveroperatewith damagedsafetydevices.
Failureto do so, can result in personal injury.
14. Neverrun an engineindoors or in a poorly
ventilated area.Engineexhaustcontainscarbon
monoxide,an odorless and deadlygas.
15. Donot operate machinewhile under
the influence of alcohol or drugs.
16. Muffler and engine become hot and
cancausea burn. Donot touch.
17. Neveroperatethis machinewithout good visibility
or light. Always be sureof your footing and keep
afirm hold on the handles.Walk, never run.
18. Donot operatethis machineif it has been
dropped or damaged.Return machine
to your nearestauthorized servicing
dealerfor examination and repair.
29. Donot operatethis machinewith a damaged
or excessivelyworn cutting blade.
20. Neverattempt to clear material from the
bladeguard while the engine is running.
Shutthe engine off, disconnect the spark
plug wire and ground against the engine
to prevent unintendedstarting.
21. Donot overload machine capacity by
attempting to edgeattoo fast of a rate.
22. Stayalert for unevensidewalks, terrain etc.
Always push slowly over rough surfaces. Do
not usethis machine on gravelsurfaces.
23. Donot operate machinein rain
or wet soil conditions.
Always operatemachinefrom behind the handles
and position yourself wherethe direct line of
sight to cutting blade is blocked by guards.
24. Alwaysstop enginewhen edging or
trimming is delayedor whentransporting
machine from one location to another.
Never leavea running machine unattended.
Stop the engine,disconnect spark plug
wire and ground against theengine
to prevent unintended starting.
25. Only useparts and accessoriesmadefor
this machine bythe manufacturer.Failure
to do so, can result in personal injury.
26. If situations occur which are not covered in
this manual, usecareand good judgment.
Caii1-800-800-7310 for Customer Support
and the nameof your nearestdealer.
1. Never run an engine indoors or in a poorly
ventilatedarea.Engineexhaustcontains carbon
monoxide, an odorless and deadlygas.
2. Beforecleaning, repairing, or inspecting,
make certainthe bladeand aii moving
parts havestopped. Disconnectthe
spark plug wire and ground againstthe
engineto prevent unintendedstarting.
3. Checkthe blade and engine mounting bolts
atfrequent intervals for proper tightness.
Also, visually inspect bladefor damage
(e.g., bent, cracked,worn) Replaceblade
with the original equipment manufacture's
(O.E.M.) bladeonly, listed in this manual.
"Useof parts which do not meetthe original
equipment specifications may leadto improper
performance and compromise safety!"
4. Lawnedger bladesare sharp and cancut.
Wrapthe bladeor weargloves, and use
extra caution when servicing them.
5. Keepall nuts, bolts, and screws tight to be sure
the equipment is in safeworking condition.
6. Nevertamper with safetydevices. Check
their proper operation regularly.
7. After striking a foreign object,stop the engine,
disconnect the spark plug wire and ground
against theengine.Thoroughly inspect the
lawn edgerfor anydamage. Repairthe damage
beforestarting and operatingthe lawnedger.
8. Neverattempt to make awheel or cutting
height adjustment while the engine is running.
9. Many components on your newedger can
wearwith continued use. Forsafety protection,
frequently checkall edgercomponents and
replaceimmediately with original equipment
manufacturer's (O.E.M.)parts only, listed in this
manual. "Useof parts which do not meetthe
original equipment specifications may leadto
improper performanceand compromise safety!"
10. Donot changethe enginegovernor setting or
overspeedthe engine.Thegovernor controls the
maximum safe operatingspeedof the engine.
11. Maintain or replacesafety labels, asnecessary.
12. Observeproper disposal laws and
regulations,improper disposal of fluids
and materials canharm the environment.
Thissymbol points
out importantsafety
if notfollowed,
could endangerthe
property of yourself
and others. Readand
follow all instructions
in this manualbefore
attemptingto operate
this machine. Failure
to complywith these
in personalinjury.
Whenyou see
this symbol.
Restrictthe use
ofthis powermachine
to personswho read,
and follow thewarnings
and instructions
inthis manual
and onthe machine.