Declaration of Conformity for Concentration Limits
for Certain Hazardous Substances
本公司所生產之伺服馬達產品系列如下所列 :
We declare herewith that the following AC servo motor series products list below :
AC 伺服馬達--- i 系列/ G 系列/ GD 系列/ MD 系列 / TD 系列
AC Servo Motor --- i Series / G Series / GD Series / MD Series/ TD Series
Device---TK Series / TC Series / MK Series / MC Series
皆符合以下指令及要求 :
Are complies with the following directives and requirements:
1. 歐盟 RoHS 指令 (2011/65/EU) 及有毒物質的限量要求 ((EU)2015/863)
2. 中華人民共和國電子行業標準 : 電子信息產品中有毒有害物質的限量要求 (SJ/T 11363-2006)
1. European Union RoHS Directive (2011/65/EU) and the concentration limits for certain hazardous
substances ((EU)2015/863).
2. People’s Republic of China Electronic Business Standard : Requirements for concentration limits
for certain hazardous substances in electronic information products (SJ/T 11363-2006).
與原材料供應商皆依照歐盟 RoHS 指令及中華人民共和國電子行業標準的限量規定而符合以下所列之十種有
毒物質的限量要求 :
Our product itself (motor, control box) or its packing materials and accessories (box, screws package, user
manual, sticker, label, print…etc.) or the suppliers of parts and raw materials are all in conformity with the
provision of the European Union RoHS Directive and People’s Republic of China Electronic Business
Standard to conform the following concentration limits for the ten hazardous substances :
有毒物質 / Hazardous Substance 限量要求 / Permissible Values
鉛Lead (Pb) 低於 1000 ppm / Less than 1000 ppm
汞Mercury (Hg) 低於 1000 ppm / Less than 1000 ppm
鎘Cadmium (Cd) 低於 100 ppm / Less than 100 ppm
六價鉻 Hexavalent chromium (Cr VI) 低於 1000 ppm / Less than 1000 ppm
多溴聯苯 Polybrominated Biphenyl (PBB) 低於 1000 ppm / Less than 1000 ppm
多溴二苯醚 Polybrominated Diphenyl ether (PBDE) 低於 1000 ppm / Less than 1000 ppm
鄰苯二甲酸二酯 Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) 低於 1000 ppm / Less than 1000 ppm
鄰苯二甲酸丁酯苯甲酯 Butyl Benzyl Phthalate (BBP) 低於 1000 ppm / Less than 1000 ppm
鄰苯二甲酸二丁酯 Dibutyl phthalate (DBP) 低於 1000 ppm / Less than 1000 ppm
鄰苯二甲酸二異丁酯 Diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP) 低於 1000 ppm / Less than 1000 ppm
* 基板的無鉛製程 : 總鉛含有濃度基準量 800 ppm 以下。
* The concentration of lead in the lead-free process for PCB shall be less than 800 ppm.
* 包裝材料 : Pb+Hg+Cd+Cr VI 含有濃度基準總共合計 80 ppm 以下。
* For packing materials shipped with our products or parts, the hazardous substances shall be 80 ppm or
less in sum of Pb+Hg+Cd+Cr VI.