Friedrich KCS10A10A Operating instructions

  • Hello! I have reviewed the Friedrich Wi-Fi Setup Guide for the Kuhl, Kuhl Q, and Wallmaster air conditioner units. This document outlines the steps for connecting your devices to your Wi-Fi network using the Friedrich Connect app. It also covers initial setup steps and troubleshooting tips. I'm ready to answer any questions you have about setting up your device.
  • What type of Wi-Fi connection is required?
    What app do I need to download?
    What should I do after entering the Friedrich Connect app and pressing "+ add"?
    What should I do if the setup process takes more than five minutes?
    What will happen when the mobile device and the unit successfully communicate?
    What indicates a successful connection?
Let's Get Started!
1. Check for a 2.4 Ghz connection and
make sure the device is connected to
that network.
2. Download the Friedrich Connect
App on your smartphone.
3. Sign into the app or create a
4. Verify the profile, check and confirm
that the TIME ZONE is populated
5. Enter the Friedrich
connect app and press
"+ add". The app will
automatically show the
next screen. Prepare
your device will pop up,
START at this time.
Wi-Fi Setup Guide
Kuhl Kuhl Q Wallmaster
6.Go to the unit press the MENU button
and with the arrows go to CNCT and
press MENU again.
NOTE: When the setup process
starts, the WI-FI symbol will begin to
flash. This indicates the A/C unit is
broadcasting its WiFi SSID.
NOTE: Once the setup process has
been started, you will have five minutes
to complete the setup. If the setup
cannot be completed in five minutes
then you will need to restart the
7. Now on the mobile
device go to your
WiFi settings without
ending the Connect
App and connect
to Friedrichconnect
-xxxx SSID (the last 4
characters of the units
MAC address are in the
network name of the
Friedrich unit)
8.Go back to the app
and press START, you
will receive a Looking
for your device screen
until the Unit is found,
9. When the Mobile
device and the Unit
make a successful
communication you will
see the WiFi network
selection screen. Your
WiFi Network must be
in the select dropdown,
if it is not then press the
Retry Button (this will
refresh the listings and
add in your network).
Press Next, and enter
the SSID password and
press Next again.
Note: The option to Enter credentials
manually does not work. If all steps
are performed properly and no SSIDs
populate in the app but they are
populated in the mobile devices WiFi
listings, then the unit is not on the latest
Firmware and will need a new User
10. The next window
will show connected
success. Just press OK,
and you will see the
new unit in devices with
the serial number of the
device as its name that
can be changed in the
units Info Tab.
NOTE: If any step is deviated, the
connection will not happen but Success
will still display.
NOTE: Your Home Screen Wi-Fi
symbol will stop flashing and will show
NOTE: A GREEN symbol will appear
under the "Status" details and the
name of your Friedrich unit which will
appear with a number. for example:
11. Last step when you
see the serial number
under "MY DEVICES"
you can select the unit
and verify if is working,
press MODE to change
the temperature.
NOTE: Sometimes it
takes a few seconds for
the command to register
on the unit.