approx. 25mm from the surface of the elevator, and rough-
sand the part that will be glued into the balsa block inside
the elevator. Ideally the hole in the horn for the clevise
should be exactly perpendicular to the centre of the hinge
Wax the area with clear car wax, cover with a layer of plas-
tic parcel tape over the area of the milled slot, re-wax the
tape carefully, and then cut through the tape with a very
sharp knife to allow the horn to be glued into the slots. The
tape stops excess glue getting on the painted elevator, and
makes the clean-up easy and quick.
Make up the servo linkage from the hardware provided, and
connect your servo arm to the control horn, which helps to
hold the horn in exactly the correct position while the glue
cures. Fill the slot in the elevator with slow epoxy and
micro-balloons (min. 30 minute cure), or a thixotropic resin
like Loctite Hysol 9462, insert the horn, and then wipe away
excess glue. Check that it is aligned perfectly with the link-
age, the clevise hole is 25mm from the surface of the ele-
vator, and is perpendicular to the hinge axis. View from the
back or front to check that the horn is at 90 degrees to the
surface of the elevator. See photo P6 for ideal linkage.
When cured, remove the plastic parcel tape and make a
plywood template, as shown right, so that you can copy the
position to the horn on the other elevator. In this way you
will get exactly equal elevator throws without lots of mixing
and linkage adjustment when setting up your plane. You
can make the template from scrap plywood, and use an old
1.5mm (1/16”) drill bit to insert into the clevise hole, secured
with a drop of CA. Using the template, glue the horn into the
other elevator in exactly the same way.
The linkages between the servo arms and elevator horns
are made from the 45mm x M3 all-thread, with 2 steel cle-
vises and 2 x M3 nuts for each stab. ‘Loctite’ the quick-link
and lock-nut on one end of each linkage. If using full metal
arms, like the SWB arms shown, you will need to replace
the steel clevise on the servo end with a larger type as
shown here. If using clevises with aluminium pins in aluminum servo arms, we highly recom-
mend that you apply a little grease on these joints to give smooth movement and prevent any
inclination of the aluminium pin to bind in the servo arm hole.
Use this same technique, as above, with a template, for the inner/outer aileron horns.
If you need more travel on the elevators than the factory assembly allows (about 40°) you will
need to increase the length of the slots in the composite/balsa false leading edge of the eleva-
tors with a small file. The outer 2 slots in particular will need to be longer, and you can extend
them almost right out to the composite skin.
Composite-ARF Extra 300SX (2.6m span)
(above) Shows the stab retaining
bolt, with clear tape over it to pre-
vent it coming out in flight. The
small pieces of tubing stop the
quick-links from opening.
(below) Elevator horn alignment
template from scrap plywood. Line
is hinge axis. Use for both elevators
to ensure same throws.
(above) Use parcel tape to protect
paint & make easy clean-up when
gluing in all control surface horns.