Kofax Import Connector Developer's Guide
Error strings Status and description Error strings used in Kofax Import
Connector 2.8 and older version
XSLT stylesheet missing (deactivate
XML mapping or create the mapping
Xslt stylesheet missing (deactivate
Xml mapping or create the mapping
Could not create table row Could not create table row
Could not populate document table
Could not populate document table
Could not populate expected total
Could not populate expected total
Received <ImportSession> element
corrupted (no batch element
Received <ImportSession> element
corrupted (no batch element
XSLT stylesheet and XmlType
missing for <ImportSession> input,
but XML mapping is activated.
Xslt stylesheet and XmlType missing
for <ImportSession> input, but Xml
Mapping activated
Could not create duplicate batch Could not create duplicate batch
Cannot create batch. File name is too
Cannot create batch.File name is too
Unknown error code Unknown error code
Could not import images Could not import images
Could not create batch Could not create batch
Delayed due to shutdown Delayed due to shutdown.
Could not populate folder fields Could not populate folder fields
Could not create batch with
XmlAutoImport or generic XML
Could not create batch with
XmlAutoImport or generic Xml
Batch class required for
XmlAutoImport or generic XML
mapping does not exist
Batch class required for
XmlAutoImport or generic Xml
mapping does not exist
FormType required for
XmlAutoImport or generic XML
mapping does not exist
FormType required for
XmlAutoImport or generic Xml
mapping does not exist
Folder class required for
XmlAutoImport or generic XML
mapping does not exist
The status remains as “SUBMITTED”
and import retries when
“DeliveryTime” is reached. By default,
the delay between retries is one
hour(in Kofax Import Connector 2.9,
configured using "Message lock
duration"). After 10 attempts, the
status is set to “ERROR” without
further retries.
Folder class required for
XmlAutoImport or generic Xml
mapping does not exist
Could not populate document fields Could not populate document fields
Document field mapping failed:
Configuration mismatch
Document field mapping
failed.Mismatched configuration
Batch field mapping failed:
Configuration mismatch
Batch field mapping
failed.Mismatched configuration
Folder field mapping failed:
Configuration mismatch
The status is either set to
“SUCCESS” or “ERROR” without
any retry. “SUCCESS” is used,
if the batch was sent to Quality
control according to the destination
Folder field mapping
failed.Mismatched configuration