In order to best appreciate the wonderful spatial image our CC-240 and SS-200 can create in your room it is
important that you take note of what we call best positioning practice. We understand you may not be able to
adhere, to the letter, all of our recommendations. That’s why we designed our speakers not to be too position
critical. Following are the ideal placement positions.
In the case of the CC-240 it should be either placed directly under or above the TV. The optimum position is at,
or slightly above, ear height when you are sitting down. Note; If this is not possible don’t worry, as the sound
image quality will not deteriorate a great deal if you place them outside this area. Also note it is possible to use
two CC-240s each side of the TV placed in the tower orientation.
The SS-200 is a little more complex but the general principal is to place them directly each side of your sitting
position slightly above ear level. Being a genuine balanced bi-polar there is no left hand side or right hand side
speaker. You will notice on the terminal side of the box there is a metal key hole. This is to make your installation
easy, all that is required is a screw in your wall. It is important though, that you make sure the screw is fixed
securely enough to hold the speaker’s weight. You may wish to use blue tack under the four glides to stop any
chance of vibration or speaker swinging, plus it may also reduce the chance of paint damage to your wall. Due to
the many variations of room shape, size and absorption characteristics the following points should be noted:
1) If your sitting position is against the rear wall then the SS-200 should be mounted 500mm from the rear wall.
2) If the surround sound image is not giving you enough sound coming from behind them move the SS-200
closer to the rear wall, vice versa if the image is too much at the rear.
3) Moving the SS-200 back or forward from level to your listening position will have two other effects. The first
is to slightly increase the brightness of the rear speaker’s sound and the second will be to make the speaker
appear to spread the sound around a little less bright.
4) Installing the SS-200 higher will raise the perceived image but as the speaker is raised the sound will
become very marginally less.
5) If you have two rear speakers at different distances from your listening position, just adjust the left and right
rear channel volumes on the amplifier so both rear speakers are as loud as each other.
This system is for the convenience of those people who prefer to mount this centre channel on top of their
television. An alternative method to that described below is to use a long piece of rod in both rear corners of the
centre channel. These rods should be long enough to reach the surface that the television is sitting on.
(Please note. Most parts for this operation may be obtained from your retailer or local hardware supplier..)
Use the locknut to lock the
threaded rod once adjusted to correct
If the television slope is too acute
we suggest double sided tape is
placed behind the rubber to stop it
from slipping.
Threaded Rod
(Use a hacksaw to cut desired length.)
Rubber Stop.
Note. Rubber is a loose fit on rod.