Rechargeable accu
C 2450 mAh Nickel-Metal Hydride
Specifications Product highlights
• Battery capacity: 2450 mAh
• Battery type: AA Nickel-Metal Hydride
• Battery voltage: 1.2 V
Green Specifications
• Chemical composition: Nickel-Metal Hydride
• Heavy metals: Cd free, Hg free
• Packaging material: Carton, PET
• Packaging type: Clam shell blister
Technical specifications
• Shelf life: 2 years
• Master carton quantity: 12
• Outer carton dimensions WxDxH: 134 x 190 x
122 mm
• Product dimensions (WxDxH): 92 x 117 x 29 mm
• Product weight: 0.086 kg
Issue date 2008-09-02
Version: 5.0.7
12 NC: 9082 100 07006
UPC: 0 26616 02651 7
© 2008 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.
Nickel-Metal Hydride
Nickel-Metal Hydride technology allows recharging
multiple times and makes replacement of the accus
almost unnecessary.
2450 mAh rechargeable AA
The 2450 mAh of energy keeps your digital camera and
other ultra high energy users going even longer.
Up to 1000x rechargeable
Saves money because it lasts as long as 1000 batteries.
Ease of AA and C-size in one
An innovative solution that allows you to use a AA-battery
in a C-size device, without having to buy this special
(more expensive) battery size.