Adding an eect to a photo ........... 74
Cropping a photo .............................. 74
Adding a colour accent to a
photo ......................................................75
Swapping colours in a photo ......... 75
Fog Drawing ......................................... 76
Rain Drop ............................................... 76
MotionBlur ............................................ 77
Artistic Eect ........................................ 77
Editing your videos ............................ 77
Trimming the length of the
Merging two videos ........................... 78
Merging a photo with a video ....... 78
Adding text to a video ...................... 79
Overlaying a photo ............................ 79
Adding a soundtrack to your
Adding live sound to your video ...80
Adding a dimming eect ................. 81
Multimedia ............................... 82
Pictures .................................................. 82
Images options menu ....................... 82
Sending a photo ................................. 82
Using an image ....................................83
Printing an image ............................... 83
Moving or copying an image .........84
Creating a slide show ........................ 84
Geo-tagging ........................................ 84
Sounds ....................................................84
Using a sound ...................................... 84
Videos .................................................... 85
Sending a video clip .......................... 85
Games and Applications ................. 86
Playing a game .................................... 86
Using the options menu ................. 86
Installing a Java game and
application ...........................................86
Use the M-Toy menu .......................... 86
Flash contents ......................................86
Viewing an SWF/ SVG le ................. 87
Documents ...........................................87
Viewing a le ........................................ 87
Transferring a le to your phone...87
Others ..................................................... 88
Creating a movie ................................. 88
Music ....................................................... 88
Transferring music onto your
phone ...................................................... 89
Playing a song ...................................... 89
Creating a playlist ............................... 90
Deleting a playlist ............................... 91
Using the radio .................................... 91