WARNING:NEVERuseappliance l_,,,_J_,,,,__..... NEVERleavesurfaceunits .,,S':'_"_'_""_,=%,,
door,or drawer,ifequipped,as a _, ._ unattendedespeciallywhenusing .#%,,. _ti{.
stepstoolorseat as this may result _,,,i=...__'''_ '_ highheatsettings.An unattended ,,_]:'!#'_'o,,,t -_,
inpossibletippingof the appliance, I boilovercould cause smokingand a {_i!
seriousdamageinjuries.t°theappliance,and "__' greasyspillovercancause afire. #
Ifapplianceis installednearawindow,proper Thisapplianceis equippedwith differentsize surface
precautionsshould betakento preventcurtainsfrom elements.Select panshavingflat bottomslargeenoughtc
blowingover surfaceelements, cover element.Proper relationshipof panto elementwill
NEVERuseapplianceto warmor
heatthe room.Failuretofollow this :%,.
instructioncanleadto possible If pan issmallerthan element,a ":_
burns,injury,fire, ordamageto the portionofthe elementwillbe Ii
appliance, exposedto directcontactand
4_#....................%,. could igniteclothingor potholder.
NEVERwear loose-fittingor ,_ j '.,,
hanginggarmentswhile usingthe _.._:._u'__a_
appliance,Clothingcouldcatch _i_
:_ ),j _llJli_ Only usecertaintypes ofglass,glass/ceramic,ceramic,
utensilhandlesor igniteand cause _i_,._,,_,,._lJ{_":_! earthenware,or otherglazedutensils suitablefor cookto_
burnsifgarmentcomesincontact _ or ovenservicethat willnot breakdue tothe sudden
with hot heatingelements. "_'_ change in temperature.Follow utensil manufacturer's
instructionswhen usingglass.
Toensureproper operationand to avoiddamageto the
applianceor possible injury,do not adjust,service, repair Turnpan handletowardcenter of ..,_,,_,,_
orreplaceanypartof the applianceunlessspecifically cooktop,notout intothe roomor _ %_
recommendedinthis manual. Referallother servicingto a overanothersurfaceelement.This _,?__1_.... !_
qualifiedtechnician, reducesthe risk of burns,ignitionof !1___i
flammablematerials,or spillage if _,,.__,/. "_.
NEVERstoreor usegasolineorother combustibleor pan isaccidentlybumpedor __F
flammablematerialsin theoven,nearsurface unitsorin reachedby smallchildren. '_l,,_J_
thevicinityofthis applianceas fumescouldcreate a fire
hazardor an explosion. Topreventdamageto removableheatingelements,do
immerse,soak orcleanin a dishwasheror self-clean
Topreventgreasefires, do not let cookinggreaseor other oven.A damagedelement couldshort resultingin a fire
flammablematerialsaccumulatein or nearthe appliance, shockhazard.
Make suredrip bowlsare in place as absenceofthese
Use onlydry potholders.Moistor _,j_!%
damppotholdersonhotsurfaces _,. ,_ _ bowlsduring cookingcould damagewiringor parts.
mayresultin a steamburn. Donot ._ "_
let potholdertouch hotheating .# '%,/'_ -_
elements.Do notusea towelor __" _""_ '_ SMOOTHTOP
other bulkyclothwhichcould ___ NEVERcookon brokencooktop.Contacta qualified
easilytouch hotheatingelements technicianimmediately.If cooktopshouldbreak, cleani
and ignite, solutionsand spilloversmay penetratethebroken coo
Alwaysturn offallcontrolswhencookingis completed, and createa riskof electricshock.
NEVERheat unopenedcontainersonthe surfaceunitor Cleancooktopwith caution.Somecleanerscan produ
inthe oven.Pressurebuild-upin thecontainermaycause noxiousfumesif appliedto a hotsurface. Ifa wetspot
containerto burst resultingin burns,injuryor damageto cloth,or papertowel is usedto wipespills on a hot
theappliance, cookingarea, be carefulto avoidsteam burn.
NEVERusealuminumfoil to line drip bowls,or to cover
anovenrackor ovenbottom.Misusecouldresultin risk of
electricshock,fire, ordamageto the appliance.Usefoil
onlyas directedin this manual.