Ice cube machines are a tough application for a refrigeration circuit as, due to the
freezing cycle and the harvest cycle, temperatures and pressures change several
times every hour. They are among the most energy consuming appliances, as a recent
report of the California Energy Commission shows. Facing this fact, the Appliance
Effi ciency Regulation in North America is setting the rule : all ice cube machine
manufacturers have to increase focus on how to lower energy consumption. The
challenge manufacturers now have to face is to increase ice quantity and quality,
reliability and long lifetime for units, while lowering their energy consumption.
To optimise the systems from a technical and an energetic point of view, effi cient
components adapted to this specifi c application are required.
Ice cube machines require
short cycle times to obtain
their rated ice capacity.
inject refrigerant into the
evaporator. Capillary tubes
and fi xed orifi ce expansion
control the superheat through
the entire cycle. The impact
on the system can be very
negative: If the superheat
is too low, liquid may fl ood
back to the compressor and
damage it. If the superheat
is too high, the capacity of
the units decreases and the
energy consumption per kg
of ice increases. Therefore,
the use of an expansion valve
makes the difference : its
performance affects quantity
& energy – you need to select
the best expansion valve for
the application to maximize
The Danfoss TUB/C expan-
sion valve offers a unique
solution, as it can be specifi-
cally adapted to this applica-
tion characterised by its con-
stantly changing pressures
and temperatures through
the ice freezing cycle and
the hot gas harvest cycle.
Due to their specific proper-
ties, including orifice size,
static superheat setting and
charge composition, TU-
valves ensure stable con-
trol by maintaining the same
low superheat for the entire
evaporating temperature
range during the freezing
cycle (0
°C to –20°C), and by
remaining closed during the
harvest cycle (hot gas).
To achieve such high preci-
sion, the valves must be
totally uniform. Small devia-
tions in the capacity or the
superheat setting are not
acceptable, as they might
influence the stability of the
operating conditions. Due
to fully automated manu-
facturing processes, reg-
ular and comprehensive
quality checks, as well
as long-term experience,
Danfoss is able to guaran-
tee the highest perform-
ance for TU-valves within
extremely small toleranc-
es of charges, superheat
settings, etc.
TU-valves are made of
stainless steel and offer the
advantage of a laser-
ed diaphragm and capillary
tube. This leads to optimum
strength and, as a conse-
quence, to a longer lifetime,
which is extremely impor-
tant in ice cube machines
with their high number of