ABB Freelance 2000 User manual

User manual
Control Builder F
Engineering Manual
Freelance 2000 Operator Station Configuration
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Gross Automation, 1725 South Johnson Road, New Berlin, WI 53146,, 800-349-5827
Engineering Manual
Operator Station
Gross Automation, 1725 South Johnson Road, New Berlin, WI 53146,, 800-349-5827
Gross Automation, 1725 South Johnson Road, New Berlin, WI 53146,, 800-349-5827
Engineering Manuals
System Configuration
A General Information
B Installation DigiTool
C Project Manager
DProject Tree
E Hardware Structure
F Commissioning
G Documentation
New Features
IEC 61131-3 Programming
A General Information
B Variables
C Tags
D Function Block Diagram (FBD)
E Instruction List (IL)
F Ladder Diagram (LD)
G Sequential Function Chart (SFC)
H User Function Blocks
Operator Station
A General Information
B Messages and Hints
C Standard Displays
D Graphic Display
E Logs
Gross Automation, 1725 South Johnson Road, New Berlin, WI 53146,, 800-349-5827
Engineering Manuals
Process Station – Rack based System
1 General
2 Loading the operating system and EPROM’S
3 Configuration of resource D-PS and D-PS/RED in project tree
4 Processing and failure action
5 Configuration of rack-based process station in the hardware structure
6 Commissioning the process station
7 Redundancy
Process Station –FieldController
1 General
2 Loading the operating system and EPROM’S
3 Configuration of resource D-PS in project tree
4 Processing and failure action
5 Configuration of process station FC in the hardware structure
6 Commissioning of FC
Process Station – ABB FieldController 800
1 General
2 Loading the operating system and EPROM’S
3 Configuration of resource D-PS and D-PS/RED in project tree
4 Processing and failure action
5 Configuration of process station AC 800F in the hardware structure
6 Commissioning of AC 800F
7 Redundancy
Gross Automation, 1725 South Johnson Road, New Berlin, WI 53146,, 800-349-5827
Engineering Reference Manuals
Functions and Function Blocks
A Getting Started
B General Description and Overview
C Analog Function Blocks
D Binary Function Blocks
E Controller Function Blocks
F Acquisition Blocks
G Monitoring Function Blocks
H Open-loop Control Function Blocks
J Standard Function Blocks
K Arithmetic Blocks
L Converter Blocks
M Constants
N System Functions
V Abbreviations
W Glossary
X Index
Communications and Fieldbusses
A Getting Started
B General Description and Overview
C Profibus
E Modbus Master Function Blocks
F Modbus Slave Function Blocks
G Send / Receive Blocks
H Rack Modules
V Abbreviations
W Glossary
X Index
Gross Automation, 1725 South Johnson Road, New Berlin, WI 53146,, 800-349-5827
Operators Manual
Operator Station
A Getting started: DigiVis
B Installation DigiVis
C Operating Philosophy
D Messages and Hints
E Overview Display
F Group Display
G Graphic Display
H Trend Display
I Faceplates
JSFC Display
K Time Scheduler Display
L Logs
M System Display
V System Messages
W Glossary
X Index
Gross Automation, 1725 South Johnson Road, New Berlin, WI 53146,, 800-349-5827
A General Information
A 1 Visual Orientation Hints ..........................................................................................A-5
A 2 General Hints for Operating DigiTool .....................................................................A-6
B Messages and Hints
B 1 General Description - Messages and Hints ............................................................B-5
B 2 Types of Messages.................................................................................................B-9
B 3 Acoustic Messages, Field Horn and Control Room Horn.....................................B-14
B 4 Global Message Processing.................................................................................B-18
B 5 Local Message Processing...................................................................................B-19
C Standard Displays
C 1 Display Access .......................................................................................................C-5
C 2 Overview Display ....................................................................................................C-8
C 3 Group Display .......................................................................................................C-11
C 4 Trend Display........................................................................................................C-14
C 5 Sequential Function Chart Display .......................................................................C-26
C 6 Time Scheduler Display........................................................................................C-28
D Graphic Display
D 1 General Description - Graphic Display ...................................................................D-5
D 2 Graphic Editor Interface..........................................................................................D-6
D 3 Basic Settings for the Draw Area..........................................................................D-11
D 4 Drawing Static Graphic Objects............................................................................D-15
D 5 Animate, Dynamic Graphic Objects......................................................................D-24
D 6 Macro....................................................................................................................D-68
D 7 Editing and Changing Display Objects .................................................................D-75
D 2 Display Options for Graphics in the Draw Area ....................................................D-90
D 3 General Processing Functions..............................................................................D-93
D 4 Appendix - Color Tables .......................................................................................D-98
D 5 Appendix - Graphic Macro Library......................................................................D-101
Gross Automation, 1725 South Johnson Road, New Berlin, WI 53146,, 800-349-5827
E Logs
E 1 General Description - Logs .....................................................................................E-5
E 2 Signal Sequence Log Configuration .......................................................................E-7
E 3 Disturbance Course Log Configuration.................................................................E-16
E 4 Operation Log Configuration.................................................................................E-21
E 5 Header and Footer Lines in Logs..........................................................................E-27
X Index
Gross Automation, 1725 South Johnson Road, New Berlin, WI 53146,, 800-349-5827
A General Information
Gross Automation, 1725 South Johnson Road, New Berlin, WI 53146,, 800-349-5827
Gross Automation, 1725 South Johnson Road, New Berlin, WI 53146,, 800-349-5827
Section A General Information
A 1 Visual Orientation Hints........................................................................................ A-5
A 2 General Hints for Operating DigiTool.................................................................. A-6
A 2.1 Operation with mouse or keyboard ......................................................................... A-6
A 2.2 Recurring keys ........................................................................................................ A-7
Gross Automation, 1725 South Johnson Road, New Berlin, WI 53146,, 800-349-5827
Gross Automation, 1725 South Johnson Road, New Berlin, WI 53146,, 800-349-5827
Section A General Information
A 1 Visual Orientation Hints
To grant direct access to information, we have used different types of scripts and symbols.
Script Meaning
Italics Representation for (selectable) menu items or parameters.
MALL CAPITALS Inputs to be made via the keyboard, also via virtual keys.
boldface Highlights important information, also as an orientation hint.
Symbols Meaning
Selection with mouse.
The various instruction steps are separated by arrows.
Example: → Edit → Dimensions → ... .
In this example, the menu item Edit is to be selected followed by the
menu item Dimensions.
Operating alternative with the mouse
Information on operation with the keyboard, inasmuch as it differs from
the Windows Standard.
Example: Select module → A
LT → E → D → ... .
Having selected the module via the A
RROW KEYS, the keys ALT, E and D
must be pressed successively.
If two keys are to be pressed simultaneously:
... → SHIFT +INSERT → ... .
Alternative keyboard operation
Special hints, must be observed!
Preconditions Preconditions which must be fulfilled to implement commands or for
satisfactory results.
Gross Automation, 1725 South Johnson Road, New Berlin, WI 53146,, 800-349-5827
Section A General Information
A 2 General Hints for Operating DigiTool
Operation of DigiTool is based on the Windows Standard.
Therefore knowledge of general operation under Windows is strongly recommended, see
Windows Manual.
The "typical Windows operation" will therefore not be dealt with in detail when describing the
various editors.
A 2.1 Operation with mouse or keyboard
Mouse Keyboard
Select menu
Cursor on menu item
+ left mouse button.
ALT + underlined letters
Select within
pull-down menu
Cursor on menu item
+ left mouse button.
Enter only underline letters
Select individual
Cursor on program element
+ left mouse button
Cursor on program element
Select multiple
Cursor on start position
→ press left mouse button and
keep pressed down
→ move to desired position and
release mouse button
Cursor on start position
→ Press S
PACE and hold
→ move to desired position and
release SPACE
Gross Automation, 1725 South Johnson Road, New Berlin, WI 53146,, 800-349-5827
Section A General Information
A 2.2 Recurring keys
OK The active parameter window is quit and the parameter status saved.
CANCEL The active parameter window is quit without saving the parameter
status. A warning appears if parameter definition data are lost.
AVE The current parameter status is saved and the window remains active.
RESET The parameters of the active parameter window are reset completely to
the previously set values. Any parameters previously saved and differing
from the default settings can be fetched again by canceling and recalling
the parameter window.
HECK The function block is checked for plausibility with the current parameters,
even if they have not been saved.
ELP Call up the Windows On-line help (with F1 also).
To get information about functions on monitor without using the docu-
mentation. Thematically structured information is displayed in the help-
Gross Automation, 1725 South Johnson Road, New Berlin, WI 53146,, 800-349-5827
Section A General Information
<< Change to the previous
>> or next parameter mask.
This is displayed with shading if no further parameter window exist.
Check boxes
A setting or parameter is turned on or off.
Option fields
Option fields are presented when one of a group of mutually
parameters are to be chosen.
F5 The function key F5 calls the list of cross references for the selected vari-
able or tag. This function is also available in parameter mask fields with
referenced variables or tags.
F6 bzw. S
HIFT+F6 These functions are available after the list of all existing cross references
was called (key F5). F6 calls the program which contains the next occur-
rence in the cross reference list, S
HIFT+F6 calls the program of the previ-
ous list entry.
Gross Automation, 1725 South Johnson Road, New Berlin, WI 53146,, 800-349-5827
B Messages and Hints
Gross Automation, 1725 South Johnson Road, New Berlin, WI 53146,, 800-349-5827
Gross Automation, 1725 South Johnson Road, New Berlin, WI 53146,, 800-349-5827
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ABB Freelance 2000 User manual

User manual

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