Legal Information
First English printing, October 2002
Inform ation in this docum ent has been care fully checked for accuracy; however, no guara ntee is given to the correctness of the
con ten ts. The info rmation in this documen t is subject to cha nge withou t no tice. We are n ot liable for any injury o r loss th at
results from the use of this eq uipmen t.
Safety Instructions
Please read all of these ins tructions carefully before you use the device. Save this manual for future reference.
¦ Unplug equ ipm ent bef ore clean ing. Do n’t use liquid or spray d eterge nt; use a moist cloth.
¦ Keep eq uipment a way from excessive humidity and he at. Prefe rably, keep it in an a ir-conditione d e nvironm ent with
tempe rature s not e xceeding 40º Celsius (10 4º Fahrenh eit).
¦ When installing, place th e equipme nt o n a sturdy, level surface to pre vent it from accidenta lly falling and causing da m
age t o other equipme nt or injury to persons nearb y.
¦ When the e quipme nt is in an ope n po sition, do not cove r, block or in an y way obstru ct the gap between it an d the
power supply. Prop er air convection is ne cessa ry to keep it from o ve rheating .
¦ Arrange th e equipme nt’s p ower cord in such a way th at others wo n’t trip or fa ll over it.
¦ If you a re using a po wer cord that d idn ’t ship with th e equipme nt, ensure that it is rate d for the voltage and current
labele d o n th e equipme nt’s e lectrical ratings label. The voltage ra ting on the cord should be high er than th e o ne listed
on th e equipme nt’s ratings label.
¦ Observe a ll precau tions and wa rnin gs attached to t he equipm ent.
¦ If you d on’t intend o n u sing the e quipment for a long tim e, d isconnect it from the pow er outlet to prevent being dam
aged by transient over-voltage.
¦ Keep all liquids aw ay from the equ ip ment to minimize the risk of a ccidental sp illa ge. Liquid spilled on to th e p ower
sup ply or on other hardwa re m ay cause dama ge, fire or electrica l shock.
¦ Only qualified se rvice person nel shou ld ope n the chassis. Opening it you rself cou ld damage the eq uipment and invali
date its wa rra nty.
¦ If any p art of the equip ment be comes d amaged or stops fun ction ing, have it checked by q ualified service p ersonne l.
What the w arranty does not cove r
¦ Any p ro duct, on w hich the serial numb er has been def aced, mod ified or rem oved.
¦ Damag e, deterioration or m alfunction resulting from :
? Accident, m isuse , neglect, fire, water, lightning, o r other acts of n ature, un authorized prod uct mo dificatio n, or
failure to follow instru ct ion s su pplied with the product.
? Repair or at tempted repair by anyone not authorized by u s.
? Any da mage of the prod uct d ue to shipment.
? Removal or insta llation of th e prod uct.
? Causes external to th e p roduct, such as electric power fluctu ation o r failure.
? Use of supplies or parts not mee ting our specificat ions.
? Norm al wear and tear.
? Any ot her cau ses which doe s not re late to a pro duct defect.
¦ Remova l, installation, and set-up service charges.
R egulatory Notices Federal Communications C om mission (FCC)
is equipme nt h as been tested and fou nd to com ply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 1 5 o f th e F CC
rules. These lim its a re designed to provid e reason able prote ction ag ainst harm ful interfe rence in a residential instal- lation.
Any changes o r modifications m ade to this equipm ent may void the u ser’s authority to opera te this equipm ent. This equipm ent
gene rates, uses, and can ra diate radio freq uen cy energy and, if n ot installe d a nd used in a ccorda nce w ith the instructions, may
cau se harm ful interfe rence to radio com mu nications.
H owever, there is no guarantee th at interferen ce will not occur in a p articular installation. If this equip ment does cause
harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined b y tu rning the equipment off and on, the user
is enco urage d to try to correct the inte rference by one or more of the following m easure s:
¦ Re-position or relocate the receiving ante nna.
¦ Increase th e separation betwe en the equipm ent and receive r.
¦ Conne ct the equipmen t into an o utlet on a circuit different from that to w hich the receiver is connected.