Questions & Answers on the usage of
Weed Impede
2 in 1 Concentrate & RTU
What is Weed Impede 2 in 1? This is a combination of glyphosate (Roundup®) and
Prodiamine. Glyphosate is a post emergence herbicide that controls existing weeds
whole prodiamine is a pre emergence herbicide that controls weeds prior to their coming
up. Therefore, you get the effects of both herbicides in one package.
Where do I use Weed Impede 2 in 1? In non planted areas (driveways, walkways,
patio, fence lines, retaining walls, vacant areas, etc) Around the base and under well
established (6 months old or more) trees and shrub, used to edge lawns, on gravel
What is the Principle behind Weed Impede 2 in 1? One ingredient enters the plant
through the foliage and moves down into the roots killing it. The other ingredient provides
an invisible barrier in the soil preventing growth and development of newly germinated
What rate do I use with Weed Impede 2 in 1? Apply 3-6 oz. per gallon of water per
1,000 sq. feet. Use the higher rate for longer control.
What do I apply Weed Impede 2 in 1? It can be applied anytime of the year. For best
results the emerged weeds should be actively growing and daytime temperatures above
60°F. More than one application per year can be made.
When can I replant after application? Bedding plants, trees, shrubs, sod and seed can
be planted four months after application.
What precaution should I observe? Avoid drift. Do not apply to the foliage of desirable
plants. People and pets should not enter the treated area until the spray has dried. Do
not apply to newly planted trees or shrubs (they should be at least 6 months old)
What weeds are controlled? Most all annual weeds and grasses post emergence.
Many common weeds and grasses pre-emergence.
What sizes are available? The concentrate is sold in pint, quart and gallons, the RTS is
a quart container.
For more information contact: Monterey Lawn & Garden Products, PO Box 35000,
Fresno CA 93745, Phone 559/499-2100, Fax 559/499-1015
Website: www.montereylawngarden.com