Öhlins Racing AB
Box 722
S-194 27 Upplands Väsby, Sweden
Phone +46 8 590 025 00
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permission of Öhlins Racing AB
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Öhlins products are subject to
continuous improvement and
development, therefore, although
these instructions include the most
up-to-date information available at
the time of printing, minor updates
may occur.
To nd the latest information
contact an Öhlins distributor.
Please contact Öhlins if you have
any questions regarding the
contents in this document.
Before driving, always make sure that the basic settings
made by Öhlins are according to recommended Set-
up Data. Read about adjustments and setting up in
the Öhlins Owner’s Manual before you make any
adjustments. Contact an Öhlins dealer if you have any
questions about setting up.
This set-up may be altered depending on the car’s curb
weight and driving conditions.
Part no. MI_FOR6M50_0
Issued 2013-06-20
Rebound adjustment 24 clicks
Ride height 117 mm
Spring rate, gravel 25 N/mm
Ride height
The spring rate 25N/mm applies for cars with no, or low,
spring rate contribution from the original leaf spring. The
total spring rate is the sum of the spring rates for the
leaf spring and the main spring. If the total spring rate is
too high, the spring rate for the leaf spring or the main
spring needs to be decreased.
Depending on your spring setup, the helper spring may
be completely compressed when the wheels are off the
ground. To avoid this, remove the helper spring.