Mounting Hardware & Drive System
Gearbox Mount
2-6 621EF/doc090507 Mounting Hardware & Drive System
2.3 Gearbox Mount
1F05008-37 Bolt, 1/2-13x1 1/4 HH Gr5 8
2F05011-9 Washer, 1/2 Split Lock 8
3 1
1 Use anti-sieze on shaft before assembly.
056603 Gearbox, Superior QT5007 3:1 A Rotation(Serial # 27810607 and later) 1
040402 Gearbox E26 A-Rotation 621EF A0504 (Serial # 27800607 and prior) 1
040486 Gearbox, E26 D-rotation, 621EF 1
4F05008-33 Bolt, 1/2-13x1 1/2 HH Gr5(Added after Serial number 3061102) 4
5F05011-2 Washer, 1/2 SAE Flat(Added after Serial number 3061102) 8
6045406 Plate, Top Flanged Gearbox Mount (Added after Serial number 3061102) 1
7F05010-104 Nut, 3/4-10 Jam 4
8040481 Stop Wldmt, 621ef Frame Pivot 2
9F05007-123 Bolt, 3/8-16x1 1/4 HH Gr5 6
10 F05009-43 Bolt, 3/4-10x6 HH FT 2
11 F05010-10 Nut, 3/8-16 Hex Nyl Lock 6
12 F05008-88 Bolt, 1/2-13x1 3/4 HH Gr5 4
13 040406 Bearing, Flanged 1 3/8 shaft 1
14 F05010-35 Nut, 1/2-13 Free Hex, Zinc (Added after Serial number 3061102) 4
15 F05010-8 Nut, 1/2-13 Nyl Hex Lock 4
16 047637 Key, 5/16 SQ X 2 3/4 (Serial Numbers 3450304 to present) 1
P437 Key, 5/16SQX1 3/4 (Serial Numbers 3440204 and prior) 1
17 045400 Pulley, 2B1102SK (Serial number 3061102 to present) 1
P21002 Sheave, 2B12.4SK (Serial Numbers 2200900 to 3050702) 1
18 P215 Belt, B-56 Insta-Power 85590 (Serial Numbers 3660405 to present) 1
045401 Belt, Goodyear, InstaPower 85595 (Serial number 3061102 to 3650205) 1
P428 Belt, B-59, Insta-power (Serial Numbers 2200900 to 3050702) 1
19 P450 Belt, 85610, B-58 (Serial Numbers 3061102 to present) 1
045287 Belt, Goodyear 85630Serial Numbers 2200900 to 3050702) 1
20 2
2 Bolts F05009-67 and Washers F05011-14 come with Bushing 040067.
040067 Bushing, Sk-1 3/8 1
21 F05011-14 Washer, 1/4” Split Lock 3
22 F05009-67 Bolt, 1/4-20 x 3/4” G8 3
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