Dat e of e di tion: 2 016/12/02Pa rt No. 1 9408 9 Do kumen t N o. DOCT -097 8D
Indu ctive Posit ion ing Sy stem F11 0
System overview
1 System overview
The new inductive position encoding
system F110 is optimised for a high-
precision, continuous position detec-
Ba sed on t he h igh-p recisio n e valua tion
of multiple coil systems, the position
encoding system F110 is a combina-
tion of tried and tested inductive sensor
technology and innovative microcon-
troller technology.
The compa ct an d ro bust de sign F1 10
allows fo r a con ta ctless and t hu s wear -
fr ee positio n detect ion in measuring
len gth s of 2 10 m m and 36 0 mm.
Thanks to the integrated temperature
compensation, it is also optimally suited for rough environments and critical positioning
Due to the inductive principle of operation, you do not need any ferrites or magnets as a
counterpart. As in the case of an inductive proximity switch, the actuator can be made of
an y meta l.
The advantages of the inductive position encoding system F110 are:
• Very large detection range of 6 mm
• High reso lution an d accura cy
• Minimum te mp erat ure d rif t
• Contactless
• L ow in ter fe re nce sen sit ivity due to ind uctive pr inciple of oper atio n
The inductive position encoding syst em F110 provides a current and voltage signal at the
outputs, which is proportional to the position of the attenuating element.
Output signals:
• 4 mA . .. 20 mA
• 0 V ... 10 V
2 Order information
The inductive position encoding syst em F110 is available in different lengths with respec-
tive measurement ranges.
The ordering code is always:
PM Ix xx -F1 10- IU -V1 , where xxx h as to b e replaced by the me asuring r an ge in mm.
The entire housing length is approx. 30 ... 40 mm longer. I t is sp ecified in t he datasheet
of th e p articular pro du ct.