Mechanical Specications
> Low-prole 27” x 63” sngle-slot board (low-
prole and ATX brackets avalable)
> Four mn DsplayPort connectors wth bult-
n retenton mechansm
> Use ncluded latched mn-DpslayPort to
DsplayPort cables to securely connect to
your dsplays
> Ultra-quet Actve Fansnk
> 35 W max power
Supported Platforms
> Mcrosoft Wndows 8 (64-bt and 32-bt)
> Mcrosoft Wndows 7 (64-bt and 32-bt)
> Mcrosoft Wndows Vsta (64-bt and 32-bt)
> Mcrosoft Wndows XP (64-bt and 32-bt)
> Lnux® - Full OpenL mplementaton,
complete wth NVIDIA and ARB extensons
(64-bt and 32-bt)
NVIDIA NVS 510 Architecture
> Integrated DsplayPort (ver 12)
> PI Express 20 support
> 12 pxels per-clock renderng engne
> NVIDIA UDA technology-capable
> Scalable geometry archtecture
> Hardware tessellaton engne
> NVIDIA gaThread™ Engne
> Shader Model 50 (OpenL 43, DrectX 11)
> Decode acceleraton for MPE-2, MPE-4
Part 2 Advanced Smple Prole, H264, MV,
V1, DvX (verson 311 and later), and Flash
(101 and later)
> Blu-ray dual-stream hardware acceleraton
(supportng HD pcture-n-pcture playback)
> Dedcated H264 encoder
> omplance wth professonal OpenL® and
DrectX® applcatons
Advanced Display Features
> Support for any combnaton of four
connected dsplays
> DsplayPort outputs natvely drve four
dgtal dsplays natvely at resolutons up to
3840x2160 60 Hz
> onnect to varous montor types usng
multple mn-DplayPort based cable
adaptors or wdely avalable standard
DsplayPort cable adaptors (when used wth
the ncluded latched mn DsplayPort to
DsplayPort cable)
> DsplayPort to DVI-D (Sngle Lnk) to drve
DVI dsplays up to 1920x1200 60 Hz
> DsplayPort to DVI-D (Dual Lnk) to drve
DVI dsplays up to 2560 x1600 60 Hz
> DsplayPort to HDMI cables to drve HD
Dsplays up to 1920 x1080 60 Hz
> DsplayPort to VA cables to drve analog
(VA) dsplays up to 1920x1200 60 Hz
> DsplayPort 12, HDMI 14,and HDP support
> DsplayPort 12 Mult-Stream technology
For cable-management benets, supports
drvng maxmum of four dsplays up to 1920
x 1200 60 Hz
> Drve up to 16 dsplays (four groups of cloned
mages va each DsplayPort connector) usng
supported Dsplay Port 12 Stream lonng
> Support for ntegrated audo va DsplayPort
and HDMI
> Support for multple dsplay modes ncludng
DualVew, Span, and lone modes
DisplayPort and HDMI Digital Audio
> Support for the followng audo modes
> Dolby Dgtal (A3), DTS 51, Dual hannel
and Multchannel (71) LPM, Dolby
> (DD+), and MPE-2/MPE-4 AA
> Data rates of 441 KHz, 48 KHz, 882 KHz, 96
KHz, 176 KHz, and 192 KHz
> Word szes of 16-bt, 20-bt, and 24-bt
> Boosts productvty by delverng maxmum
flexblty for sngle and mult-dsplay set-
ups, and provdes unprecedented end-user
control of the desktop experence
> Seamless ntegraton wthn the Wndows
> Easy-to-use Setup Wzard
> Extended Wndows taskbar to spread the
applcaton buttons across dsplays
> et vrtual sub-dsplays wth rdlnes to
make best use of large dsplay setups
> reate vrtual desktops to maxmze work
area and reduce applcaton clutter
> omplete set of Hot Keys
> User Proles for easer system deployments
> Enhance your workspace over multple
dsplays (up to eght dsplays when used wth
multple NVS 510 graphcs cards)
> Enables seamless taskbar spannng as well
as transparent scalng of any applcaton over
multple dsplays
NVIDIA Enterprise-Management
> Montor, access, and congure graphcs and
dsplay nformaton of remote machnes
usng ndustry-standard WMI Interface
> Scrptable usng WMI ommand Lne
nterface for ntegraton wth system-level
management tools
> Scalable enterprse-class tools to remotely
nstall and congure graphcs drvers across
your entre organzaton
NVIDIA CUDA Parallel Processing
> SMX archtecture (streamng mult-processor
desgn that delvers greater processng and
> Hyper Q (allows multple PU cores to
smultaneously utlze a sngle NVS 510 PU
to execute ndependent compute kernels)
> API support ncludes UDA , UDA ++,
Drectompute 50, OpenL, Java, Python,
and Fortran
Unied Driver Architecture
> Supports NVS 510, NVS 310, NVS 300, NVS
450, NVS 420, NVS 295, NVS 290
> Support for the latest applcatons on
prevous- and current-generaton hardware
> ontnuous performance tunng
> Mcrosoft Wndows Hardware Qualcaton
Lab (WHQL)-certed for Wndows 8,
Wndows 7, Wndows Vsta, and Wndows XP
Quad Display Support
The all-new NVS 510 dsplay engne drves up to four dsplays smultaneously and fully supports the
next generaton DsplayPort 12 standard capable of resolutons up to 3840x2160 60 Hz When used
wth the NVIDIA nVew® Desktop Software utlty, ths makes t easy to deploy multple dsplays across a
desktop or buld an expansve dgtal-sgnage wall
DisplayPort 1.2
The ntegrated DsplayPort 12 engne produces crsp mage qualty whle drvng ultra-hgh-resoluton
panels (up to 3840 x 2160 60 Hz) NVS 510 also supports advanced DsplayPort 12 features lke
mult-stream technology (MST) and stream clonng MST lets you drve up to four ndependent dsplays
smultaneously from any one dsplay port output, whle stream clonng enables NVS 510 to clone up to
four nstances of each dsplay output to drve a maxmum of 16 dsplays
NVIDIA Enterprise
Management Tools
Exhaustve enterprse-management tools maxmze your system uptme by enablng seamless wde-
scale deployment Ths allows remote query and control of graphcs and dsplay settngs for systems
spread across nstallatons
Low-Prole and
Flexible Form Factor
Its prole smples IT admnstraton and deployment throughout an enterprse Regardless of desktop
system (standard tower P, workstaton, small form-factor system) or the dsplay type (LD, DLP,
plasma), NVS 510 ts nto any exstng nstallaton wthout beng dsruptve
Stream lonng enables NVS 510 to clone up-to four nstances of each dsplay output
NVS 510 supports a maxmum of 4 smultaneous dsplays n Wn7, Wn8 and Lnux OS’s only (maxmum of 2 dsplays n Wndows XP)
Ths feature requres mplementaton by software applcatons and s not a stand-alone utlty Please contact quadrohelpnvdacom for detals on avalablty
NVS 510 supports up to 2 smultaneous dsplays n Wndowns XP
NVIDIA Mosac Technology s supported n Mcrosoft Wndows 8, Wndows 7 and Lnux only
Supported n Mcrosoft Wndows8 and Wndows7 only
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To learn more about NVIDIA NVS, go to wwwnvdacom/nvs