Dell 490-14320 Datasheet

Graphics cards
Relably vsualze any data across four dsplays wth the
energy-efcent NVIDIA NVS 510 busness graphcs soluton
The NVIDIA NVS 510 gves you the latest
graphcs and dsplay technologes—plus
ndustry-leadng, mult-dsplay management
capabltes—n an energy-efcent, low-prole
form factor Ths makes t the deal graphcs
soluton for professonals who need to vsualze
and dgest a great deal of nformaton n the
nancal tradng, command and control, and
dgtal-sgnage markets
The NVIDIA NVS 510 features four compact mn
DsplayPort connectors wth a custom bult-n
retenton mechansm, delverng ultra-hgh
resolutons up to 3840x2160  60 Hz It also
supports advanced DsplayPort 12 features lke
Mult Stream Technology and Stream lonng
whch enables efcent cable management, as
well as cost-effectve mult-dsplay nstallatons
The NVS 510 s based on the latest NVIDIA
Kepler™ PU technology and congured wth
2 B of dedcated hgh-performance graphcs
memory Ths means you get more than 3x
the performance of prevous-generaton NVS
solutons, wthout ncreasng overall power
Along wth NVIDIAs Uned Drver Archtecture
(UDA) and sute of enterprse management
tools, the NVS 510 offers a hghly relable
soluton for seamless wde-scale deployment
and smpled resource management Its ultra-
quet actve-coolng technology and low-prole
form factor gve IT admnstrators the freedom
to t multple NVS 510 cards nto space-
and power-constraned systems or exstng
Product Specications
Frame Buffer Memory 2 GB DDR3
Memory Interface 128-bit
Memory Bandwdth 28.5 GB/s
Max Power
35 W
raphcs Bus PCI Express
2.0 x16
Dsplay onnectors 4x mini
Form Factor 2.7” H x 6.3”L
Single Slot
Thermal Soluton Active
Mechanical Specications
> Low-prole 27” x 63” sngle-slot board (low-
prole and ATX brackets avalable)
> Four mn DsplayPort connectors wth bult-
n retenton mechansm
> Use ncluded latched mn-DpslayPort to
DsplayPort cables to securely connect to
your dsplays
> Ultra-quet Actve Fansnk
> 35 W max power
Supported Platforms
> Mcrosoft Wndows 8 (64-bt and 32-bt)
> Mcrosoft Wndows 7 (64-bt and 32-bt)
> Mcrosoft Wndows Vsta (64-bt and 32-bt)
> Mcrosoft Wndows XP (64-bt and 32-bt)
> Lnux® - Full OpenL mplementaton,
complete wth NVIDIA and ARB extensons
(64-bt and 32-bt)
NVIDIA NVS 510 Architecture
> Integrated DsplayPort (ver 12)
> PI Express 20 support
> 12 pxels per-clock renderng engne
> NVIDIA UDA technology-capable
> Scalable geometry archtecture
> Hardware tessellaton engne
> NVIDIA gaThread™ Engne
> Shader Model 50 (OpenL 43, DrectX 11)
> Decode acceleraton for MPE-2, MPE-4
Part 2 Advanced Smple Prole, H264, MV,
V1, DvX (verson 311 and later), and Flash
(101 and later)
> Blu-ray dual-stream hardware acceleraton
(supportng HD pcture-n-pcture playback)
> Dedcated H264 encoder
> omplance wth professonal OpenL® and
DrectX® applcatons
Advanced Display Features
> Support for any combnaton of four
connected dsplays
> DsplayPort outputs natvely drve four
dgtal dsplays natvely at resolutons up to
3840x2160  60 Hz
> onnect to varous montor types usng
multple mn-DplayPort based cable
adaptors or wdely avalable standard
DsplayPort cable adaptors (when used wth
the ncluded latched mn DsplayPort to
DsplayPort cable)
> DsplayPort to DVI-D (Sngle Lnk) to drve
DVI dsplays up to 1920x1200  60 Hz
> DsplayPort to DVI-D (Dual Lnk) to drve
DVI dsplays up to 2560 x1600  60 Hz
> DsplayPort to HDMI cables to drve HD
Dsplays up to 1920 x1080  60 Hz
> DsplayPort to VA cables to drve analog
(VA) dsplays up to 1920x1200  60 Hz
> DsplayPort 12, HDMI 14,and HDP support
> DsplayPort 12 Mult-Stream technology
For cable-management benets, supports
drvng maxmum of four dsplays up to 1920
x 1200  60 Hz
> Drve up to 16 dsplays (four groups of cloned
mages va each DsplayPort connector) usng
supported Dsplay Port 12 Stream lonng
> Support for ntegrated audo va DsplayPort
and HDMI
> Support for multple dsplay modes ncludng
DualVew, Span, and lone modes
DisplayPort and HDMI Digital Audio
> Support for the followng audo modes
> Dolby Dgtal (A3), DTS 51, Dual hannel
and Multchannel (71) LPM, Dolby
> (DD+), and MPE-2/MPE-4 AA
> Data rates of 441 KHz, 48 KHz, 882 KHz, 96
KHz, 176 KHz, and 192 KHz
> Word szes of 16-bt, 20-bt, and 24-bt
> Boosts productvty by delverng maxmum
flexblty for sngle and mult-dsplay set-
ups, and provdes unprecedented end-user
control of the desktop experence
> Seamless ntegraton wthn the Wndows
> Easy-to-use Setup Wzard
> Extended Wndows taskbar to spread the
applcaton buttons across dsplays
> et vrtual sub-dsplays wth rdlnes to
make best use of large dsplay setups
> reate vrtual desktops to maxmze work
area and reduce applcaton clutter
> omplete set of Hot Keys
> User Proles for easer system deployments
> Enhance your workspace over multple
dsplays (up to eght dsplays when used wth
multple NVS 510 graphcs cards)
> Enables seamless taskbar spannng as well
as transparent scalng of any applcaton over
multple dsplays
NVIDIA Enterprise-Management
> Montor, access, and congure graphcs and
dsplay nformaton of remote machnes
usng ndustry-standard WMI Interface
> Scrptable usng WMI ommand Lne
nterface for ntegraton wth system-level
management tools
> Scalable enterprse-class tools to remotely
nstall and congure graphcs drvers across
your entre organzaton
NVIDIA CUDA Parallel Processing
> SMX archtecture (streamng mult-processor
desgn that delvers greater processng and
> Hyper Q (allows multple PU cores to
smultaneously utlze a sngle NVS 510 PU
to execute ndependent compute kernels)
> API support ncludes UDA , UDA ++,
Drectompute 50, OpenL, Java, Python,
and Fortran
Unied Driver Architecture
> Supports NVS 510, NVS 310, NVS 300, NVS
450, NVS 420, NVS 295, NVS 290
> Support for the latest applcatons on
prevous- and current-generaton hardware
> ontnuous performance tunng
> Mcrosoft Wndows Hardware Qualcaton
Lab (WHQL)-certed for Wndows 8,
Wndows 7, Wndows Vsta, and Wndows XP
Quad Display Support
The all-new NVS 510 dsplay engne drves up to four dsplays smultaneously and fully supports the
next generaton DsplayPort 12 standard capable of resolutons up to 3840x2160 60 Hz When used
wth the NVIDIA nVew® Desktop Software utlty, ths makes t easy to deploy multple dsplays across a
desktop or buld an expansve dgtal-sgnage wall
DisplayPort 1.2
The ntegrated DsplayPort 12 engne produces crsp mage qualty whle drvng ultra-hgh-resoluton
panels (up to 3840 x 2160  60 Hz) NVS 510 also supports advanced DsplayPort 12 features lke
mult-stream technology (MST) and stream clonng MST lets you drve up to four ndependent dsplays
smultaneously from any one dsplay port output, whle stream clonng enables NVS 510 to clone up to
four nstances of each dsplay output to drve a maxmum of 16 dsplays
NVIDIA Enterprise
Management Tools
Exhaustve enterprse-management tools maxmze your system uptme by enablng seamless wde-
scale deployment Ths allows remote query and control of graphcs and dsplay settngs for systems
spread across nstallatons
Low-Prole and
Flexible Form Factor
Its prole smples IT admnstraton and deployment throughout an enterprse Regardless of desktop
system (standard tower P, workstaton, small form-factor system) or the dsplay type (LD, DLP,
plasma), NVS 510 ts nto any exstng nstallaton wthout beng dsruptve
Stream lonng enables NVS 510 to clone up-to four nstances of each dsplay output
NVS 510 supports a maxmum of 4 smultaneous dsplays n Wn7, Wn8 and Lnux OS’s only (maxmum of 2 dsplays n Wndows XP)
Ths feature requres mplementaton by software applcatons and s not a stand-alone utlty Please contact quadrohelpnvdacom for detals on avalablty
NVS 510 supports up to 2 smultaneous dsplays n Wndowns XP
NVIDIA Mosac Technology s supported n Mcrosoft Wndows 8, Wndows 7 and Lnux only
Supported n Mcrosoft Wndows8 and Wndows7 only
© 2012 NVIDIA orporaton All rghts reserved NVIDIA, the NVIDIA logo, NVS, nVew, UDA, and gaThread are trademarks and/or regstered trademarks of
NVIDIA orporaton n the US and other countres All other trademarks and copyrghts are the property of ther respectve owners OT12
To learn more about NVIDIA NVS, go to wwwnvdacom/nvs
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Dell 490-14320 Datasheet

Graphics cards

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