Being part of it
d a t a s h e e t : eM4072
• 3.5” GigaShare PRO NAS DUO
• Gigabit (1000Mbit) LAN interface
for high transfer rates
• Suited for two 3.5” SATA harddisks
to create up to 3 TB capacity!
• Connect additional harddisk via USB
• Includes NZBget, Bittorrent, Medi-
aserver and MLDonkey modules to
download les
• Equipped with FTP/SMB/NFS server,
128MB Fast DDR memory, printer
server and Raid 0/1/JBOD support
• Easy installation
• 5-Year warranty
• Accessible helpdesk
• Multilingual user manual
t e c h n i c a l s p e c i f i c a t i o n s :
HD Support: 3.5” I SATA HDD (FAT32/EXT2/3)
HD Interface: SATA1
LAN Interface: 10/100/1000MBPS Autosense RJ-45
Print server: USB 1.1 Host
DHCP: Client, or server
s y s t e m r e q u i r e m e n t s :
Wi n d o W s Vi s t a 32, Wi n d o W s Vi s t a 64, Wi n d o W s Xp,
Wi n d o W s 2000,Wi n d o W s 98/ me,Wi n d o W s 2003, mac os
10.4.X,mac os 10.3.X, li n u X
Installed network
EAN CODE: 8716065239690
Powerful NAS offering more than just storage!
Sharing your documents and media has never been so fast before! Connect two in-
ternal 3.5” SATA harddisks to the Eminent EM4072 Gigashare PRO and create a high
speed NAS system.
The Gigashare PRO offers you true power at gigabit speeds. Thanks to its built-in
128MB DDR memory and 1000Mbit network interface, it can serve as the centerpiece
of your home network and business network. The Gigashare PRO does not only share
les, it also acts as a UPnP mediaserver and downloads les using Torrents (Transmis-
sion) or Newsgroups (NZBget). The built-in printer server enables you to share your
USB printer on the network.Capacity should no longer be a problem, as the Gigashare
PRO offers you an internal dual-bay setup. You can mount up to 3TB of space in RAID
0/1 or JBOD setup, choosing speed or security as you please. If the internal capacity
is not enough, you can always add an external storage solution to the USB port.The
Gigashare PRO is provided with free (GPL) modules, including NZBget, Bittorrent,
Mediaserver and MLDonkey. You can turn off your computer and let the Gigashare PRO
do all the downloading. All the modules are optional, so you can choose not to install
them if your Gigashare PRO is used in a business environment.
The Eminent EM4072 Gigashare PRO is the perfect solution for business users that
need a secure RAID1(Mirror) storage solution, or for home users that demand optimal
performance from a NAS.