elmeg CS410
Subject to technical alterations
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bintec elmeg GmbH - Suedwestpark 94 - 90449 Nuremberg - Germany
Phone: +49 - 911 9673-0 - Telefax: +49 - 911 688 07 25
elmeg CS410-U icegrey (1091565) Highly featured Up0 system telephone, ice-gray color; same as elmeg CS410, plus
direct Up0 connection without additional converter
elmeg CS410-U blackblue (1091557) Highly featured Up0 system telephone, black-blue color; same as elmeg CS410,
plus direct Up0 connection without additional converter
elmeg CS410 icegrey (1091581) Highly featured ISDN system telephone, ice-gray, display 7x22 char., illuminated,
phone book (250 entries), hands-free calling, USB for Internet, CAPI, TAPI, 5 free
prog. keys with 2 coloured LEDs, interface for T400, headset, audio-in and
elmeg CS410 blackblue (1091514) Highly featured ISDN system telephone, black-blue, display 7x22 char., illuminated,
phone book (250 entries), hands-free calling, USB for Internet, CAPI, TAPI, 5 free
prog. keys with 2 coloured LEDs, interface for T400, headset, audio-in and
System Phones for elmeg PABXs
Module Answering machine CS410
Answering m.; ca. 48 min. recording capacity, up to 10 announcements, 1 sign-off
text, monitoring, info texts, dictation function, downloading of announcements /
archiving of messages via audio connectors, remote polling, time control, message
elmeg T400 blackblue (1090216) Extension console for CS410/CS410-U/CS400xt/IP-S400, black-blue color, with 2 x
10 keys incl. LED, useable as line, extension, function, macro or short dial keys, up
to 3 units cascadable, power supply needed for the 2nd and 3rd console
elmeg T400 icegrey (1090640) Extension console for CS410/CS410-U/CS400xt/IP-S400, with 2 x 10 keys incl. LED,
ice-gray color, useable as line, extension, function, macro or short dial keys, up to
3 units cascadable, power supply needed beginning with the 2nd console
Power supply unit elmeg T400 (5520000032) Beginning with the 2nd extension console elmeg T400 a power supply is needed.
The power supply feeds the 2nd and 3rd console.