Smeg STX23CLLO User manual

  • I've reviewed the datasheet for the SMEG STX23CLLO dishwasher. It details the dishwasher's various wash programs, including options for different temperatures and soil levels. Key features such as the Dry Assist+ option, adjustable baskets, and safety systems like Total Acquastop are also highlighted. I'm ready to help answer any questions you have about this device.
  • What is the maximum water hardness this dishwasher can handle?
    What is the drying system used in this dishwasher?
    What is the height of the dishwasher?
Product Fa milyProduct Fa mily Dishwashers
Comm ercia l w idthComm ercia l w idth 60 cm
Comm ercia l heig htComm ercia l heig ht 82 cm
Installa tionInstalla tion Under counter built-in
N° ba ske tsN° ba ske ts 2
EA N cod eEA N cod e 8017709307370
N. of p rog ra mmesN. of p rog ra mmes 10+1
W ashing temp eraturesW ashing temp eratures 38, 45, 50, 55, 65, 70, 75 °C
SoakSoak Yes
Ex press 2 7'Ex press 2 7' Yes
Cry sta lCry sta l Yes
Full e xp ress - 6 0Full e xp ress - 6 0
minute sminute s
Auto sensor 4 5-6 5Auto se nsor 4 5-6 5 Yes
M ixM ix Yes
Quie t (-2 d B)Quie t (-2 d B) Yes
IntenseIntense Yes
Self clea nSelf clea n Yes
Hy gie ne 99,9 %Hy gie ne 99,9 % Yes
Dry Assist+ op tionDry Assist+ op tion Yes
Dela y tim er op tionD elay timer op tion Up to 24 hours
1/2 load Flex iZone1/2 load Flex iZone
op tionop tion
Specia l prog ra ms op tionSpecia l prog ra ms op tion Yes
Basket colourBasket colour Grey
Basket comp one ntsBasket comp one nts
Ha nd leHa nd le In plastic on upper and
lower basket
Larg est loa da ble dish inLarg est loa da ble dish in
upp er b asketupp er b asket
25,0 cm
Low er Ba sketLow er Ba sket With 4 foldable racks
Low er b aske t w ith a nti-Low er b aske t w ith a nti-
drip insertsdrip inserts
Programme / FunctionsProgramme / Functions
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Up per Ba ske tUp per Ba ske t With 3 foldable racks
Glass holde rGlass holde r Yes
Height adjustme nt ofHeight adjustme nt of
the upp er b aske tthe upp er b aske t
On three levels (5 cm)
Slid ing Guides Ex traSlid ing Guides Ex tra
Glid eGlid e
Larg est loa da ble dish inLarg est loa da ble dish in
low er b aske tlow er b aske t
30,0 cm
Colour Inne rColour Inne r
Comp onentsComp onents
Cutlery b asketCutlery b asket Yes
W id th (mm)W id th (mm) 598 mm
Dep th (mm)Dep th (mm) 545 mm
Display ty peDisplay ty pe LED display (3 digit)
Product He ig ht (mm )Product He ig ht (mm ) 818 mm
ControlsControls Electronic
DisplayDisplay Delayed start, Programme
time indicator, Time to end
Program me g ra phicsProgram me g ra phics Symbols
On/off ind icatorOn/off ind icator Yes
Salt lig ht ind ica torSalt light ind ica tor Light
Rinse aid ind ica torRinse aid ind ica tor Light
End of cycle ind ica torEnd of cycle ind ica tor ActiveLight
W ashing sy ste mW ashing sy ste m Planetarium
Third sp ra y armThird sp ra y arm Single
W ate r softenerW ate r softener With electronic setting
Turb id ity se nsorTurb id ity se nsor
Aq uate stAq uate st
Flood p rotection systemFlood prote ction system Total Acquastop
W ate r sup plyW a ter sup ply Single; cold/hot water max.
60°C - energysave with hot
water up to 35%
M ax wa ter ha rd nessM ax wa ter ha rd ness 100°fH;58°dH
Drying systemDrying system Natural condenser drying,
with Dry Assist + automatic
door opening system at the
end of the cycle
Stea m p rote ctionStea m p rote ction Metallic sheet
Interna l lightInterna l light With White led
Tub ma teria lTub ma teria l Stainless steel
FilterFilte r Stainless steel
Concea le d he atingConcea led hea ting
elem entelem ent
Hing esHing es Self balancing with variable
M in. and ma x plinthM in. and ma x plinth
he ighthe ight
100 - 228 mm
Ad justab le feetAd justab le feet 7cm, from 820 to 890 mm
Ad ditiona l g asketsAd ditiona l g askets Yes, with stainless steel
Back coverBack cover Yes
Dep th of d ishw asherDep th of d ishw asher
with op en d oor (m m)w ith ope n door (m m)
Back fee t ad justab leBack feet ad justab le
from frontfrom front
Top cov erTop cov er In plastic
Ene rgy Efficiency Cla ssEnergy Efficiency Cla ss C
Ene rgy consump tionEne rgy consump tion
[p er 1 00 cy cles, ba se d[p er 1 00 cy cles, ba se d
on the eco prog ra mme]on the eco prog ra mme]
73 KWh
Ra ted ca pa city (p s)Ra ted ca pa city (p s) 13
W ate r consumption [pe rW a te r consump tion [pe r
cy cle]cy cle]
8.5 litres
Program me d ura tionProg ramm e d ura tion 4:40 h:min
Airb orne acoustica lAirb orne acoustica l
noise emissionsnoise e missions
43 dB(A) re 1 pW
Airb orne acoustica lAirb orne acoustica l
noise emission cla ssnoise emission cla ss
Ene rgy efficiency Ind exEnergy efficiency Ind ex
Technical FeaturesTechnical Features
Performance / Energy Label NEW 2019Performance / Energy Label NEW 2019
Electrical ConnectionElectrical Connection
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PlugPlug (F;E) Schuko
Connected p owe rConnected p owe r 1800 W
CurrentCurrent 10 A
Volta geVolta ge 220-240 V
Freq ue ncy (Hz)Freq uency (Hz) 50 Hz
Ty pe of connectionTy pe of connection Single-phase
Pow er sup ply cab lePow er sup ply cab le
leng thlength
140 cm
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Not included accessoriesNot included accessories
Toekick Kit in Black colour with
adjustable height and deepness. Can be
installed over all the fully integrated and
underbench models with variable
fulcrum or flexifit hinges.
Toekick Kit in Stainless Steel with
adjustable height and deepness. Can
be fitted over all the fully integrated
and underbench models with variable
fulcrum or flexifit hinges.
Toekick Kit in White colour with
adjustable height and deepness. Can be
installed over all the fully integrated and
underbench models with variable
fulcrum or flexifit hinges.
Kit extension for dishwasher and
washing machine: lenght mt. 2
Kit glass holder. It has to be fitted on the
first basket but only if there are foldable
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Symbols glossary (TT)Symbols glossary (TT)
Activelight is an led light which projects a red
spot onto the floor beneath the dishwasher when
the appliance is in use.
The Aquatest sensor is an electronic sensor that
measures the degree of water transparency at
the end of the initial soaking phase. ased on the
values measured, the sensor sets the most
suitable programme, thus obtaining the best
washing results with the minimum amount of
To improve the drying of dishes without leaving
82 cm high
Delay Timer: Option to postpone the start of the
desired programme by up to 24 hours in order to
programme the dishwasher to run at the desired
FlexiZone: The ½ load flexizone allows you to
wash a reduced load saving energy, water and
time and there are no restrictions on where the
items are placed.
The ExtraGlide guides system makes the second
basket run even smoother and softer. It facilitates
movement even when fully loaded, and thanks to
the increased excursion, facilitates the insertion
of dishes into the basket.
Noise Level: Excellent insulation and special
devices keep noise to a minimum.
The Planetarium washing system, with high
rotations per minute, guarantees complete
coverage of the tank, thanks to the simultaneous
rotation of base and sprayers, and excellent
washing results.
Auto 45°- 65°: The auto programme regulates
the length of a cycle depending on the need for a
pre-wash and the number of rinses required.
Crystals: The Crystals programme is dedicated to
delicate dishes such as glasses and china.
Eco: Eco, this economic wash programme uses a
low amount of water and energy in order to
provide the most environmentally friendly
cleaning option.
Mix: The Mix programme is suitable for mixed
crockery and everyday pots and pans, without
any particular incrustation.
The Dry Assist + option, in addition to saving
energy, ensures perfect drying of the dishes by
opening the door automatically at the end of the
washing cycle.
Energy efficiency class C Soak programme: The soak programme provides
a rinse to prevent dirt from drying.
Express 27': The Express 27' programme is a
quick wash cycle, at low temperatures, for lightly
soiled dishes.
Ultraclean: The Ultraclean option performs a final
rinse at a high temperature of 70°c eliminating
virtually all bacteria.
13 place settings: Number of place settings. Total Acquastop: In addition to the partial
Acquastop protection present in all Smeg
dishwashers, some models have an electronic
device fitted to the water intake hose, which
monitors water levels in the machine, detects
leaks in the hose and switches off the water
supply immediately when necessary.
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System WaterSave ensures the best washing
results with minimal water consumption
depending on the model of dishwasher.
Quick wash cycle for normally soiled mixed loads
such as dishes and pans, even with dried-on
residues. Dishes are washed and dried in 60
Dishwasher cleaning cycle. The cycle should be
started with the machine empty, without dishes.
It is recommended to run the program every 2-3
months, using special dishwasher detergents.
SILENT: Wash cycle suitable for normally soiled
dishes, even with dried-on residues. Ensures
maximum noise reduction and is therefore ideal if
you wish to run it during the night.
Allows you to enable additional programs when
selected together with any wash cycle. After
having selected the required wash cycle, press
the button (
HYGIENE 99.9% High-temperature washing
programme. The 75° rinse guarantees the
removal of 99.9% of germs and bacteria.
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