The Journey Begins
To change the amount of air in your Sandelier, simply use any injector with a 27 Ga needle
(not included for safety and legal reasons).
Find the whole on the frame of your Sandelier and insert the needle. This way, you can add or
remove small amounts of air until you get the desired quantity.
The air level will usually be right when you receive your Sandelier. Only regulate it if you feel
like the sand is not owing at the right speed no matter how you ip it around.
Over time, water can evaporate from your Sandelier. The regulation hole on the frame
allows you to add small amounts of water to keep your Sandelier brand new over the years.
Maintenance is only recommended once or twice a year.
Do not ever remove water from your Sandelier. Only regulate the air when
needed, and add some water when needed.
Do not add too much water at once as the pressure could break the glass.
Do not leave your Sandelier near a child unattended.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you have any other question, you can visit our FAQ and download our
detailed user’s guide on our website
You can reach out to us on our Facebook page, Instagram page, or by email.
We will be more than happy to assist you!
How to Regulate Air Sandelier sandelier_off