Adjust the LCD Screen
1. PresstheVIDEO MODE button.
2. Pressthe / buttontoselectBrightness,ScreenSizeorContrast.
3. Pressthe / button to change the setting.
4. PresstheVIDEO MODEbuttontoexitthemenu.
E - 6
You can play a specic DVD title or chapter repeatedly (title repeat, chapter repeat, A-B repeat).
Repeating a Chapter
1. WhiletheDVDisplaying, presstheREPEAT DISC button until the “
” indicator displays on
the screen. The current chapter is played repeatedly.
Repeating a Title
2. WhiletheDVDisplaying,presstheREPEAT DISC button until the “
” indicator displays on the
screen. The current title is played repeatedly.
3. WhiletheDVD isplaying,pressthe REPEAT DISC button until the “
” indicator displays on
the screen.
1. WhiletheCDisplaying,presstheREPEAT DISC button until the “ ” indicator displays on the
Repeating the Whole Disc
2. WhiletheCDisplaying,presstheREPEAT DISC button until the “ ” indicator displays on the
screen. The whole disc is played repeatedly.
3. While the CDisplaying,press the REPEAT DISC button until the “
” indicator displays on
the screen.
Repeating a Specic Section
You can play a specic section repeatedly.
1. While the disc is playing, press the REPEAT A-B button at the beginning of the section (“
” is
displayed) you want to play repeatedly.
2. PresstheREPEAT A-B button again at the end of the section (“
” is displayed).
3. Theunitwillimmediatelybeginreplayingyourselection.
4. Whilethediscisplaying,presstheREPEAT A-B button until the “
” indicator displays on the
screen (the repeat indicator disappears from the screen for a CD). The system will return to normal
• SomediscsmaynotpermitA-Brepeatoperation.
• YoucannotsettheA-Brepeatfunctionforasegmentthatincludesmultiplecameraangles.
• Youcanspecifyasegmentonlywithinthecurrenttitleortrack.
• Theremaybeaslight dierencebetween pointAandthe location whereplaybackactuallyresumes
depending on the disc.
Language Setup
1. Pressthe SETUP button on the remote control or MENU
button on the unit in stop mode (when disc is not playing).
2. Pressthe button to select Language Menu.
3. Press the / button to select the option (Player Menu,
Audio, Subtitle or Disc Menu), then press the button.
4. Pressthe / button to select your preferred language,
then press the ENTER button to conrm.
5. Repeat steps3 and4 toadjust other options. Pressthe
button to return to the previous menu.
6. Press the SETUP or RETURN buttontoexitthemenu.
• SomeDVDsmaynotplayintheaudiolanguageyouselected.Apriorlanguagemaybeprogrammed
on the disc.
• SomeDVDsmaybesetto display subtitles ina languageother than the one you selected.A prior
subtitle language may be programmed on the disc.
• SomeDVDs allow youto changesubtitle selectionsusingthedisc menuonly.Ifthis is thecase,
press the MENU button and choose the appropriate subtitle language from the selection on the disc
• Some DVDsmay not include yourpre-selected language.In thiscase,the DVDplayerautomatically
displays disc menus consistent with the disc’s initial language setting.
E - 7 E-9E - 8
Troubleshooting Guide
Printed in China
Symptom Cause (and remedy)
No power.
The remote
control does
not function.
No sound or
only a very
sound is heard.
No picture.
The picture is
not clear.
Severe hum or
noise is heard.
The disc does
not play.
• Theunitisnotturnedon.
• Makesuretheplasticsheethasbeenremovedfromtheremotecontrol.
• Pointtheremotedirectlyattheinfraredremotesensorontheunit.
• Replacethebatteryintheremotecontrolwithanewone.
• Thesystemisinpausemode.Pressthe button to return to normal play mode.
• The unitisinfast-forwardorfast-reversemode.Pressthe PLAY button on remote
control to return to normal play mode.
• MakesuretheAUDIO/VIDEOoutputconnectionsarecorrect.
• TheDTSDVDcannotbedecodedtohavespeakeroutput.
• Theunitistoohot;shutotheunitfor30minutestocoolitdown.
• The regionnumber of the discdoesn'tmatch the region
number of this unit.
• Cleanthedisc.
• Thediscisscratched.
• Adjust the LCD'sbrightnessandcontrastusing the VIDEO MODE button on the
remote control.
• The plugs and jacksare dirty.Wipe them witha clothslightly moistenedwith
• Cleanthedisc.
• Thereisnodiscinside(“NoDisc”appearsonthescreen).
• Insertthedisccorrectlywiththeplaybacksidefacingdown.
• Cleanthedisc.
• A no n - N T SC disc has been inserted. The unit and disc region number are
• Condensation may have formed inside the unit due to a sudden change in
temperature. Wait about an hour for it to clear and try again.
Need More Help?
Please visit online help at http://www.RCAav.com
TV Display
Pan Scan
• Whenwide-screen videois played,thismode clipsthe rightand leftsides
of the image so that it can be viewed on a conventional screen.
• Somewide-screenDVDsthatdo not permitPanScan mode playbackare
automatically playedinletterboxmode(black bands thatappearat the topand
bottom of the screen).
• When wide-screenvideoisplayedin thismodeon aconventional screen,black
bands appear at the top and bottom of the screen.
Wide Screen
• Whenyouplay DVDsrecorded in the 4:3 aspectratio,theplaybackpicturewill
• SelectWide Screen toconformtheLCDscreenontheunit. Alwaysbesurethat
your TV display conforms to the actual TV in use if you connect the unit to a TV.
Locating a Desired Section
If you know the chapter/title numberforthechapter/titlethat you want toplay,youcanlocateit by
directly selecting that number.
1. PresstheGOTObutton./
2. Pressthe / buttontohighlight chapter/title number, thenpress the corresponding number
buttons(2digits) for the chapter/titleyouwant (forexample: 02, 08, 10 or15). Ifyou pressonly 1
numeric button, press the ENTER button to conrm.
3. Playbackstartsfromtheselectedchapter/title.
• If the chapter/title number enteredis not permitted bytheDVD, “
Input invalidInput invalid
” will display. Repeat
• Somediscsmaynotrespondtothisprocess.
• This methodof locating a chapter/title isavailableonlyona DVDthatcontainschapter/title
Locating a Specic Time
You can move to a specic location by entering its corresponding time (hours, minutes, seconds).
1. PresstheGOTO button two times.
2. Pressthecorrespondingnumberbuttons(5digits:X:XX:XX,forexample:03005,10823,12256)for
the setting point you want.
3. Playbackstartsfromtheselectedsection.
• Ifthetimeentered isnot permitted bytheDVD,“
Input invalidInput invalid
” will display. You should re-enter the
correct time.
• Somediscsmaynotrespondtothisprocess.
1. During playback, press the MEMORY button and a
program screen appears.
Clear: Delete all input programs.
Start: Startmemoryplayback.
Next / Prev:Movetothenext/previoussetuppage.
2. Inputthetitle(2digits)andchapter(2digits)bypressingthenumberbuttons(forexample:0102,02
• YoucanusetheCursorbuttons( , , , ) to move the highlighted bar to any item, and re-enter the
title and chapter. Press the NEXT/ PREVtomovetothenext/previoussetuppage.
• YoucanusetheCursorbuttons( , , , )tomovethehighlightedbarto“Clear”,“Exit”,“Start”or“Next
/Prev”,andpresstheENTER button to conrm.
3. Pressthe PLAY button on the remote control or buttonontheunittostartmemoryplayback.
” appears on the screen).
4. Toresumenormalplaybackfrommemoryplayback
1).PresstheMEMORY button to display the memory menu.
2).UsetheCursorbuttons( , , , ) to move the highlighted bar to “Stop”. Press the ENTER button to
conrm “Stop”.
3).UsetheCursorbuttons( , , , ) to highlight “Clear”, and then press the ENTER button to conrm.
4).UsetheCursorbuttons( , , , )tohighlight“Exit”,andthenpresstheENTER button to conrm. It will
” disappears from the screen).
• ForaCD,youcanonlyarrangeorderfortracks.Thedisplaywillbealittledierent.
• IfthetitleorchapternumberenteredisnotpermittedbytheDVD,itwilldisappear.Youshouldre-enter
correct number.
• Youshouldinputitemsonebyonefollowingthe1,2,3...sequence.
• IftheDVDcontainsonlyonetitle,youcanonlyarrangeorderforchapters.
• Somediscsmaynotpermitmemoryplaybackoperation.
• Ifyouselectrepeatduringmemoryplayback,theDVDplayerrepeatsthecurrentmemoryplayback.
• IfyoupresstheMEMORY button while the display appears on the TV screen, the display disappears.
• Theprogrammedselections will beclearedwhen you pressthe STOP button two times, open the
disc tray or turn o the DVD player.
Display Function
While the disc is playing, press the DISPLAY button repeatedly to display information on operation status.
Programmable Memory
Video Setup
1. PresstheSETUP button on the remote control or MENU
button on the unit in stop mode (when disc is not playing).
2. Pressthe / button to select Video Menu.
3. Pressthe / button to select the option (Brightness or
Contrast), then press the button.
4. Press the / button to adjust the setting, then press the
ENTER button to conrm.
5. Repeat steps3 and4 to adjust otheroptions. Press the
button to return to the previous menu.
6. Press the SETUP or RETURNbuttontoexitthemenu.
System Setup
1. Press the SETUP button on the remote control or MENU
button on the unit in stop mode (when disc is not playing).
2. Pressthe / button to select System Menu.
3. Press the / button to select the option (TV Display or
Default), then press the button.
4. Press the / button to adjust the settings, then press the
ENTER button to conrm.
5. Repeat steps 3 and4 toadjustotheroptions.Press the
button to return to the previous menu.
6. Press the SETUP or RETURNbuttontoexitthemenu.
• Somescenesmaynotbelocatedaspreciselyasyouspecied.
• ThismethodforaccessingspeciclocationsisavailableonlywithinthecurrenttitleoftheDVD.
Title 01/03 Chapter 03/12Title 01/03 Chapter 03/12
Title 01/03 Chapter 00/00Title 01/03 Chapter 00/00
Viewing JPEG Files
This unit can play JPEG les recorded on a CD-R or CD-ROM disc (CD-RW is not recommended).
Viewing JPEG Files
1. PresstheOPENknobtoopenthediscdoor.
3. Close the disc door.The JPEG files on the disc will be
displayed one by one automatically. If the disc does not play
automatically, press the / button to select a file and
press the PLAY button on the remote control or button
on the unit.
4. Pressthe MENU or STOP button to display a folder list. Press the / button to highlight a
JPEG file to play. Press the P L AY button on the remote control or button on the unit to start
• Youcanpressthe PAUSE button on the remote control or buttonontheunittofreezethepicture.
Press the P L AY button on the remote control or button on the unit to resume picture slide show.
• Youcanpressthe STOPbuttontoquitplayback.
• Youcanpressthe PREV or NEXT button to change the picture.
• YoucanpresstheANGLEbuttontorotatedirectionofthepictureby90°.
• Somediscsmaynotpermitthisoperation.
Go To Language Menu
--Language Menu --
Player Menu
Disc Menu
-- --
Go To Video Menu
Video Menu
TV Display
Go To System Menu
--System Menu --
Cut off when a wide-
screen video image is
Wide Screen
Pan Scan
Carrying Bag Installation
1. Donot use thisDVDplayercaseas aswing,carseat,or for any other purposeexcepttoholda DVD
player and accessories.
2. The DVD playercase is intendedforviewingonlyfromthe rearseats.Do not install or use this
product in the front seat of a vehicle.
3. Toreducethechanceofinjuryincaseofacollisionorsuddenstop:
4. Alwaysposition theplastic hooksand strapadjustment sliderso that theydo nottouch the backof
the head of the person in the front seat.
To Attach the DVD Player Case to a Headrest (Images 1 & 2)
1. InserttheDVDplayerintothecaseasshownright(1,2,3).
2. Unzipthemaincompartmentthatholdstheplayer;locatetheD
rings at the top of the case (A).
3. Locate2strapswithhooksoneachend.
4. HookoneendoftheeachstraptotheDringsatthetopofthe
5. Criss-crossthestrapsaroundthefrontoftheheadrest(B)and
case (C).
6. Tightenupthestrapsuntiltheunitissecured.Connectthe12V
car adapter as shown on the right (D).
7. Connect headphone splitter (for earphone) as shown on the
right (E).
Note: Before closing the bag, release the left and right elastic bands
from the screen panel.
Images 1
Images 1
Sound System
Dolby Digital
channel listening. An additional Dolby Digital decoder is required for reproduction of the discrete multi-
Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories.
Cleaning the Disc
Handle the disc by holding its inner and outer edges.
• DoNOTtouchthesurfaceoftheunlabeledsideofthedisc.
• DoNOTstickpaperortapeonthesurface.
• DoNOTexposethedisctodirectsunlightorexcessiveheat.
• Cleanthe disc beforeplayback.Wipethedisc from the centeroutwardwith a
cleaning cloth.
• NEVERusesolventssuchasbenzineoralcoholtocleanthedisc.
• Do NOT use irregularshapeddiscs (example:heartshaped,octagonal,etc.).Theymay cause
Cleaning the Unit
• BesuretoturntheunitoanddisconnecttheACpoweradapterbeforecleaningtheunit.
• Wipe the unit with adry soft cloth.Ifthe surfaces are extremely dirty,wipe clean with acloth that
• Neverusealcohol,benzine,thinner,cleaninguidorotherchemicals.DoNOTusecompressedairto
remove dust.
Important Note
• Beforetransportingtheunit,removethediscfromthedisccompartment.
This owner’s manual explains the basic instructions for operating this unit. Some DVDs are produced
in a manner that allows specific or limited operation during playback. Therefore, this unit may
not respond to all operating commands. THIS IS NOT A DEFECT. Please refer to the instructions
accompanying the specic DVD in question for more information about the options available on that
“ ” may appear on the screen during operation. A “ ” means the desired operation is not
permitted by the unit or disc.
Playing a Disc
1. SlidetheCHARGE / STANDBY / ON switch on the left side of the unit to the ON position.
2. PresstheOPENknobtoopenthediscdoor.
3. Holdthediscbyitssidesandcarefullyplaceitontothespindlewiththelabelsidefacingup,pushing
4.Close the disc door. It takes ashort whilefor yourunitto loadthe disc.After loading, the unit will
automatically bring you to the main menu of the DVD or start playing the DVD.
5. If the unitdoes not automaticallystartplayingthe DVD,pressthe PLAY button on the remote
control or button on the unit.
Press the PAUSEbutton.Toresumenormalplayback,pressthe PLAY button on the remote control
or button on the unit.
For a DVD, each time you press the PAUSE button on the remote control, the picture advances one
Press the STOPbuttonatthelocationwhereyouwanttointerruptplayback.Toresumeplaybackatthe
position where the disc was stopped, press the PLAY button on the remote control or button on the
If you press the STOP button twice, the unit’s memory will be cleared and pressing the PLAY button
on the remote control or button on the unit will reset the DVD to the beginning.
1. PresstheSEARCH or SEARCH button when a disc is playing. Each time you press the SEARCH
or SEARCHbutton,theplaybackspeedchangesinthefollowingsequence:
2. Pressthe PLAY button on the remote control or press the button on the unit when you reach
• TheDVDplayermutessoundandsubtitlesduringreverseandforwardscanofDVDs.
• Thefastplaybackspeedmaydierdependingonthedisc.
Skip Forward/Reverse
• Pressthe NEXT buttontoadvancetitles,chapters/tracks.
• Pressthe PREV buttontogobacktocurrentorprevioustitles,chapters/tracks.
• Foran Audio CD,use thenumberbuttonson theremotecontrolto godirectlyto thedesiredtrack
Audio Selection
On some DVDs, the sound is recorded in two or more formats. Follow the directions below to select the
preferred language and sound system.
1. Whileadiscisplaying,presstheAUDIO button to show the current
audio format number.
2. PresstheAUDIO button repeatedly to select the desired audio format.
• IfonlyoneaudioformatisrecordedontheDVD,thenumberdoesnotchange.
• SomeDVDs allowyou tochange audioselections usingthe discmenu only.If thisis the case,press
the MENU button and choose the appropriate language on the disc menu.
• You canselect dierent audiochannels(Stereo,MonoLeft, Mono Right orMix-Mono) onan Audio
CD by pressing the AUDIO button repeatedly.
Subtitle Selection
1. While aDVDisplaying, press the SUBTITLE button to display the current
2. PresstheSUBTITLE button repeatedly to select the desired subtitle language. You can turn subtitles
o by pressing the SUBTITLE button repeatedly until the “
” is displayed.
• Some DVDsareset todisplay subtitlesautomatically, andyou cannot turn themo even ifyou set
the subtitle function to o.
• Duringsomescenes,thesubtitlesmaynotappearimmediatelyafteryouselectyourdesiredscene.
• The numberof subtitle languages recorded differsdepending onthedisc.Ifonly one language is
recorded, the language does not change.
• This function can only beusedfor discson which subtitles have been recorded in multiple
• SomeDVDs allow youtochange subtitlesusing thedisc menu only. If this is thecase,pressthe
MENU button and choose the appropriate subtitle on the disc menu.
Angle Selection
Some DVDs contain scenes that have been shot from a number of dierent angles. For these discs, the
same scene can be viewed from each of these dierent angles.
1. Whileyouare playing aDVD withdifferent angles recorded,
press the ANGLE button to view the number of current
angles available.
2. Pressthe ANGLE button repeatedly to change the scene to
• Afterapprox.twoseconds,playbackwillcontinuefromthe
new angle selected.
• Ifnobuttonispressedwithin10seconds,playbackcontinueswithoutchangingthecurrentangle.
This function can only be used for discs on which scenes shot from multiple angles have been recorded.
Audio1/3:DolbyD2ch EnglishAudio1/3:DolbyD2ch English
Subtitle 02/03:SpanishSubtitle 02/03:Spanish
Sequence of angle shots(Example)
Title 01/03 TimeTitle 01/03 Time ::
DRC99310K_ENGLISH IB 7pt_594x297mm.indd 2 2010-6-18 16:17:12