3030 Corporate Grove Dr.
Hudsonville, MI 49426
Phone: 616.396.1355
2. Open ITC lighting control screen
3. Color control screen
- Turn on power to system. The MFD will display a button called “ITC Marine VersiControl”. Press and the main lighting screen will
- Note: When using the keyboard to rename zones or scenes, you must touch an area outside of the keyboard to close it.
- In the help screen, there is system info screen that will provide revision information.
Zone Titles
Long press to bring up the
keyboard and rename the
zones for easy identification
Zone On/Off Button
To clear a scene on a zone,
turn it off and on again
Zone Selection
Check mark indicates that
zone is selected for modifi-
Custom Scenes
Touch to activate a scene and
touch again to deactivate
Instant White
Changes all zones to white,
no other modifications can
be made until the Instant
White is turned off
Set Color
Set static colors for a partic-
ular zone
Brings up a QR code that
opens the ITC website for
more information. Also pro-
vides access to the current
System On/Off
Turns all zones off and saves
current settings
- On the main screen, select your zones then press the set color button.
Zone being modified
Add color favorites
Long press to save
up to eight colors
Save settings
Brightness level
If using a RGBW controller,
an additional slider bar will
be shown for the white
Color slider bar
Custom RGB color
The color can be set based
on a specific RGB value. A
keyboard will open when
Cancel changes
For warranty information please visit www.itc-us.com/warranty-return-policy
DOC #: 710-00174 • Rev B • 05/18/22
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