Mooney SIM20-96 Owner's manual

  • Hello! I've analyzed the service instruction document for the Mooney M20M engine isolator. This document describes the procedure for repositioning the bolt washer and includes detailed steps for hardware re-positioning and inspection. I'm ready to answer any questions you may have about it.
  • What is the purpose of this service instruction?
    What models are affected by this service instruction?
    What should be done after re-positioning the washer?
Date: Oc to ber 10, 1992
SUB JECT:En gine iso la tor, mount at tach bolt, lo ca tion of washer un der bolt head.
MODELS/S/N AF FECTED:M20M - S/N 27-0001 THRU 27-0137
COM PLI ANCE:At next sched uled main te nance ac tion (but within 180 days of is sue of this SI.)
Some M20M air craft may have the lower en gine iso la tor/mount bolts po si tioned very close to the en gine
oil sump. This may cre ate a po ten tial for in ter fer ence dur ing some op er a tional ma neu vers. This Ser vice In -
struc tion repositions the AN960-716 washer from un der the nut to un der the bolt head, al low ing more
space be tween the end of the bolt and the oil sump.
1. Re move up per and lower cowl ing per M20M Ser vice and Main te nance man ual, No. 150,
Sec tion 71-10-00.
2. Lo cate both LH & RH lower en gine iso la tor/mount at tach ing hard ware.
3. Loosen and re move (one side at a time) the two lower iso la tor/mount at tach ing hard ware (1).
4. Re-position the AN960-716 washer (2) from un der nut (for ward side of iso la tor [A]) to un der bolt
head (aft side of iso la tor[B]). Do not al low in ter nal spacer (3) to slip out of po si tion dur ing bolt re -
5. Re peat this re-positioning pro ce dure on the other side (lower iso la tor/mounts ONLY).
6. Torque at tach ing hard ware to proper torque, ref er ence M20M S & M, Sec tion 71-20-00.
7. Ap ply “Torque Seal” com pound to bolt shaft and nut of re-positioned hard ware.
8. In spect en gine iso la tor and mount for ob vi ous dis crep an cies or wear.
9. Re-install lower and up per cowl ing per M20M S & M, Sec tion 71-11-00.
10. Make log book en try and re turn air craft to ser vice.
WAR RANTY:Moo ney will al low 0.5 hours la bor to ac com plish this Ser vice In struc tion when proper
war ranty pa per work is re ceived by
Ser vice Parts within 180 days of the
is sue date of this Ser vice Bul le tin.
TA BLES:Fig ure SI M20-96-1