5. If you would like to modify the hot
key, type in a character. You can
enter any number, letter or symbol.
Control keys such as Alt, Ctrl, Shift,
CAPS LOCK, Tab, Esc, and Num
Lock and function keys can not be
Example: CTRL + ALT + A.
6. Click on the check box for Fix
Audio to a port and then select the
port from the dropdown list.
7. Select a desired Auto Scan period
(10~60). Options are in
increments of 5 seconds.
8. Once you made all desired
changes, then click OK.
9. Right click on the KVM utility icon
in the system tray. If your
computer is connect to computer 1
port, you should see an icon with
the number 1. If your computer is
connected to computer 2, you
should see an icon with the
number 2.