Beisler 1265-5 Operating Instructions Manual

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Single-head se wing unit for serging and
overlocking for trou sers with knee li ning
Operating Instructions
Installations Instructions
Service Instructions
Frohn rad stra ße 10, D-63768 Hös bach
Telefon Ser vice +49 (0) 60 21/ 50 19 40 Telefax +49 (0) 60 21/ 54 00 61 E-mail: Vertrieb@beis
Aus ga be / Edi ti on: 01/2007 Prin ted in Fe de ral Re pub lic of Ger ma ny Tei le-Nr.:/Part-No.:
This instruction manual is intended to help the user to become familiar
with the machine and take advantage of its application possibilities in
accordance with the recommendations.
The instruction manual contains important information on how to
operate the machine securely, properly and economically. Observation
of the instructions eliminates danger, reduces costs for repair and
down-times, and increases the reliability and life of the machine.
The instruction manual is intended to complement existing national
accident prevention and environment protection regulations.
The instruction manual must always be available at the
machine/sewing unit.
The instruction manual must be read and applied by any person that is
authorized to work on the machine/sewing unit. This means:
Operation, including equipping, troubleshooting during the work
cycle, removing of fabric waste,
Service (maintenance, inspection, repair and/or
The user also has to assure that only authorized personnel work on
the machine.
The user is obliged to check the machine at least once per shift for
apparent damages and to immediatly report any changes (including
the performance in service), which impair the safety.
The user company must ensure that the machine is only operated in
perfect working order.
Never remove or disable any safety devices.
If safety devices need to be removed for equipping, repairing or
maintaining, the safety devices must be
remounted directly after completion of the maintenance and repair
Unauthorized modification of the machine rules out liability of the
manufacturer for damage resulting from this.
Observe all safety and danger recommendations on the machine/unit!
The yellow-and-black striped surfaces designate permanend danger
areas, eg danger of squashing, cutting, shearing or collision.
Besides the recommendations in this instruction manual also observe
the general safety and accident prevention regulations!
General safety instructions
The non-observance of the following safety instructions can cause
bodily injuries or damages to the machine.
1. The machine must only be commissioned in full knowledge of the
instruction book and operated by persons with appropriate
2. Before putting into service also read the safety rules and
instructions of the motor supplier.
3. The machine must be used only for the purpose intended. Use of
the machine without the safety devices is not permitted. Observe
all the relevant safety regulations.
4. When gauge parts are exchanged (e.g. needle, presser foot,
needle plate, feed dog and bobbin) when threading, when the
workplace is left, and during service work, the machine must be
disconnected from the mains by switching off the master switch or
disconnecting the mains plug.
5. Daily servicing work must be carried out only by appropriately
trained persons.
6. Repairs, conversion and special maintenance work must only be
carried out by technicians or persons with appropriate training.
7. For service or repair work on pneumatic systems, disconnect the
machine from the compressed air supply system (max. 7-10 bar).
Before disconnecting, reduce the pressure of the maintenance
Exceptions to this are only adjustments and functions checks
made by appropriately trained technicians.
8. Work on the electrical equipment must be carried out only by
electricians or appropriately trained persons.
9. Work on parts and systems under electric current is not permitted,
except as specified in regulations DIN VDE 0105.
10. Conversion or changes to the machine must be authorized by us
and made only in adherence to all safety regulations.
11. For repairs, only replacement parts approved by us must be used.
12. Commissioning of the sewing head is prohibited until such time
as the entire sewing unit is found to comply with EC directives.
It is absolutely necessary to respect
the safety instructions marked by these signs.
Danger of bodily injuries !
Please note also the general safety instructions.
Index Page:
Preface and generalsafetyinstru c tions
Part1: O perating instru c tions cl.1265/5
1. D escription ofproduct.......................................... 3
1.1 D escription ofproperuse ......................................... 3
1.2Briefdescription............................................... 3
1.3 Technicaldata................................................ 4
2. O ptionalequipm ent(see annex) .................................... 5
3. Sw itc h ing on -Sw itc h ing off-Program stop ............................ 6
3.1Switchingon ................................................. 6
3.2Switching off................................................. 6
3.3 Program stop ................................................ 7
3.4Restartafterprogram stop ........................................ 7
4. O peration ofthe sew ing m achine head ............................... 8
4.1 G eneralnotes
......................................................... 8
4.2 R ecom m ended threads .......................................... 9
4.3 R em oving /P utting on the fabricsliding sheet............................. 10
5. O peration ofthe sew ing unit...................................... 11
5.1 Footsw itch m achine sequence ...................................... 11
5.2 Feeding the trousers parts and starting the sew ing operation ................... 11
5.3Adjusting the edge guide ......................................... 13
5.4Adjusting the blow ing airforthe nozzles inthe tabletop ...................... 14
5.5Stackers ................................................... 15
5.5.1Standard stacker.............................................. 15
5.5.2 Throw -overstacker............................................ 16
5.5.3Alternating stacker ............................................ 17
5.6Fusing station (optional).......................................... 18
5.6.1Inserting adhesive tape .......................................... 18
5.6.2Switching the fusing station on and off................................. 18
5.6.3Fusing ofknee lining and fronttrousers................................. 19
5.6.4Clening the stamp.............................................. 20
5.7 Feeding the trousersparts and starting the sew ing operation in conjunction w iththe fusing station 21
6. O peration ofthe control......................................... 23
6.1 O peratorterm inal.............................................. 23
6.2Userinterface ................................................ 24
6.2.1 M enu stru c ture ofthe sew ing and settingprograms......................... 24
6.3Mainscreen ................................................. 26
Index Page:
6.4 Seam programs ............................................... 27
6.4.1Factory-setprogram s........................................... 27
6.4.2Selecting the seam program ....................................... 28
6.4.3 M anualsew ing,contro lled viafootpedal ............................... 28
6.4.4 C hanging the program functions .................................... 29 adjustm entofthe m ain param eters viathe inputfields .................. 29 A ccess tothe w hole param eterlistofa seam function ...................... 30 a seam orm achine function on and off ......................... 30 Seam -specific param eters inthe access level1 .......................... 31 Seam -specific param eters inthe access level2 .......................... 40
6.5 Seam sequences .............................................. 43
6.6 Preseams................................................... 45
6.7 Seam starting mode ............................................ 46
6.8Activating the sew ing m otor........................................ 46
6.9 R esetting the dailypiece counter .................................... 46
6.10 Input/O utputtest.............................................. 47
6.11 Program m ing m enus ............................................ 49
6.11.1 G eneralnotes ............................................... 49
6.11.2Allocatingafre e s torage location.................................... 49
6.11.3F1=INIT Param eter ........................................... 49
6.11.4 F2 = Mem oryCard............................................. 51
6.11.5F3=Diagnostics.............................................. 53
6.11.6 F5 = Additionalprogram s ........................................ 54
7. M aintenance ................................................ 56
7.1Cleaning and checking........................................... 56
7.2Oillubrication ................................................ 58
1. D escription ofproduct
1.1 D escription ofproperuse
The 1265/5isasewing unitw hich can properlybeusedforsew ing
lightto m edium -w eightm aterial.S uch m aterialis,as a rule,m ade of
textilefibres.These m aterials are used inthe garm entindustry.
In generalonlydrymaterialm ustbe sew n on this m achine.The
materialm ustnotcontain any hard objects.
The seam is generally m ade w ithcorethread,polyesterfibre
orcotton threads.
The dim ensions forneedle and hook threads can be taken fro m the
tablein chapter 4.2.
Before using any otherthreads itis necessary toestimatethe
consequentialdangers and totake the respective safety m easures,if
Thissewing unitm ustonlybeinstalled and operated in dry and
well-keptroom s.Ifthe sew ing unitisusedinotherroom s,w hich are
notdry and w ell-kept,furtherm easures to be agreed upon m ay
becom e necessary (see E N 60204-31 :1999).
W e,as m anufacturerofindustrialsew ing m achines,assum e thatat
leastsem i-skilled operating personnelw illbe w orking on ourproducts
so thatallusualoperations and,w here applicable,theirrisks are
presum ed to be know n.
The Beisler1265/5isasingle-head sew ing unitforserging oftrousers
partswith and w ithoutknee lining.The overlocking ofthe seatand fly
bow as w ellas ofthe trousers hem can be integrated.
Optionally you can w ork w ithorwithouta hotfusing station (lining on
top /lining below ).
Allsew ing unitcom ponents are m ounted on a stand w elded ofsquare
steeltubes and contro lled by a m icroprocessor system .
The sewing unitis operated viaacontrolpanel.H ere itis possibleto
callup various controlprogram s,to define new program s and to check
allinputs and outputsform aintenance and repairpurposes.
M achine head
Pegasus two-orthree-thread overlock m achine
EXT 5204-02 w ithtop feed
Separatestep m otorcontro l fortop feed and differentialfeed,for
setting the desire d lining fullness,also forstre tch fabrics
Microprocessorcontro l,freely program m able
Sewing drive E fka D C 1500
Autom aticfullness distribution atthe side seam and crotch seam ,
program m able
Height-adjustable edge guide fordifferentm aterialthicknesses
Autom atic contourguide,contro lled viastep m otor
Ejectorviastep m otorforprecise chain separating and positioning
the trousers before stacking
Step m otorcontro l w ith auxiliary feed forw ide and difficult
Processing ofknee lining w ithoutfusing device forcut-to-size knee
Optionalfusing unit
Lightbarrierforrecognizing the seam beginning and seam end for
autom aticsewing startand stop
Verticalcutterw ithsuction foroverlocking and serging in one
C hain separating device w ithsuction,program m able
Adjustableblow ing nozzles inthe tabletop forsupporting the
Height-adjustablestand,infinitelyvariablefrom 850 m m to
1200 m m
Integrated stacking device
1.3 Technicaldata
Machine head: Pegasus EXT 5204-02
Stitch type: 504/505
N um berofneedles: 1
N eedle system : B27
N eedlesize: N m 80 toNm110
Threads: see table chapter4.2
Speed: 7000 r/m inwithoutlining
6500 r/minwithlining
Speed upon
delivery: 6500 r/m in
Stitch length:m in. 1.0mm
max. 5.0mm
Seam w idth: 6 m m
Material:Lightto m edium -w eightm aterial
O perating pressure: 6 bar
Airconsum ption: 20 N L perw orking cycle
Rated voltage: 1 x 230 V 50/60 H z
Rated load: 0.9kVA
Dim ensions: 1500 x 900 x 1400 m m (L x W x H )
Working height: 850...1200 m m
(uppertabletop edge)
Weight: 120 kg
Noise value: LC = 81dB (A )
W orkstation-specificemission value according toDIN 45635-48-B-1
Stitch length: 3 m m
Seam length: 1160 m m
Speed: 7000 r/min
MaterialG 1 D IN 23328: 1 layer
M easuring pointaccording
toDIN 4895 part1 X = 600 m m Y = 350 m m Z = 600 m m
X-axis=atrightangles tothe feeding direction
Y-axis=mainfeeding dire c tion
Z-axis = height
2. O ptionalequipm ent
See annex.
3. Sw itching on -Sw itching off-P rogram stop
3.1Switching on
Switch on m ainswitch1(turn inclockw ise dire c tion).
The contro l loads the m achine program .
The startscreen appears inthe display ofthe controlpaneland
show s the follow ing m essage:
Unlock the program stop key 2 atthe controlpanel.
3.2Switching off
Press program stop key 2 atthe controlpaneluntilitlocks.
Switch offm ainswitch1(turn counte r-c lockw ise).
3.3 Program stop
Foran im m ediatestop in case ofoperating errors,needle breakage
etc.the safety system ofthe 1265/5provides the follow ing m easures:
Press program stop sw itch2atthe controlpanel.
The running operations are stopped im m ediately.
Turn m ainswitch 1 counte r-c lockw ise.
The sewing unitdrops outim m ediately;
allm ovem entsofthe sew ing unitstop im m ediately.
3.4 R estartafterprogram stop
Caution:R isk ofinjury!
Switch the m ainswitch off.
Clearthe faultonlywiththe sew ing unitsw itched off.
Onlyrestartthe sew ing unitafterthe faulthas been cleared.
Switch on m ainswitch1(turn inclockw ise dire c tion).
Unlock the program stop sw itch.
The contro l loads the m achine program .
The m ain screen appears inthe display ofthe controlpanel.
The sewing unitis ready foroperation again.
4. O peration ofthe sew ing m achine head
4.1 G eneralnotes
The operation ofthe sew ing m achine head (needleinsertion,threading
ofneedlethread and hook thread etc.)is described inthe separately
attached Pegasus operating instru c tions.
The instru c tion m anualisincluded inthe accessories ofthe sew ing
A tte n tion:Risk ofinjury!
Please read the operating instru c tions ofthe sew ing m achine head
carefully and observe allsafetyinstru c tions.
4.2 R ecom m ended threads
N eedle system : B27
R ecom m ended
needlesize: N m 80 forvery thinmaterial
Nm 90forthinmaterial
N m 100 form edium -w eightm aterial
High sew ing security and good sew ability are achieved w iththe
follow ing core threads:
Tw o-ply polyesterendless polyestercore-spun
(e .g.E picPoly-P oly,R asantx,Saba C ,...)
Tw o-ply polyesterendless cotton core-spun
(e .g.Frikka,K oban,R asant,...)
Ifthese threads are notavailable,the polyesterfibre orcotton threads
listed inthe table can also be sew n.
Often two-plycorethreads are offered by the thread m anufacturers
withthe sam e designation as three-ply polyesterfibre threads
(3cyl.-spun).This causes uncertaintywith regard totwisting and thread
W hen in doubt,unravelthe thread and check w hetheritistwisted 2-or
The labelno.120 on the thread reelofa core thread corresponds e.g.
tothe thread size N m 80/2(seetablevalues in brackets).
In case ofm onofilam entthreads you can use needlethreads and hook
threads ofthe sam e thickness.The bestresults are achieved w ithsoft
and elasticthreads (software)ofthe thread thickness 130 D enier.
R ecom m ended thread thicknesses:
N eedlesize C o re th re a d C o re th re a d
N eedlethread H ook thread N eedlethread H ook thread
Polyester Polyester Polyester C otton
endless core-spun endless core-spun
LabelN o. LabelN o. LabelN o. LabelN o.
90 120 (N m 80/2) 120 (N m 80/2) 120 (N m 80/2) 120 (N m 80/2)
100 100 (N m 65/2) 100 (N m 65/2) 100 (N m 65/2) 100 (N m 65/2)
N eedlesize P o lyester fibre thread Cotton thread
N m (3cyl.-spun)
N eedlethread H ook thread N eedlethread H ook thread
80 N m 120/3 N m 120/3Ne
90 N m 80/3-120/3 N m 80/3-120/3Ne
100 N m 70/3-100/3 N m 70/3-100/3Ne
4.3Removing /Putting on the fabricsliding sheet
The fabricsliding sheet2 is heldinthe gap ofthe tabletop by the
m agnets1.
The edge guide3isfastened on the fabricsliding sheet.
Rem oving the fabricsliding sheet
Carefully rem ove the fabricsliding sheet2 fro m the m agnetsin
upw ard dire c tion.
Rem ove the fabricsliding sheet2 sidew ards.
The low ersection ofthe sew ing m achine head is accessible now .
P u tting on the fabricsliding sheet
Push the fabricsliding sheet2 intothe gap ofthe tabletop and
insertitin dow nw ard dire c tion.
23 1
5. O peration ofthe sew ing unit
5.1 Footsw itch m achine sequence
Insomesewing program s the footsw itch serves forstarting various
The footsw itch is equipped w ithtw o contacts.
O ne contactislocated inthe reararea and isreleased by stepping
The otherone islocated inthe frontarea and isreleased by
m echanicalload.
5.2 Feeding the trousers partsandstarting the sew ing operation
The overlock unit1265/5 w orks sem i-autom atically.
The operatorofthe sew ing unithas to proceed as follow s:
l callup the desired seam program
l feed the m aterialaccurately
l supervise the sew ing process
l re m o v e the finished partsfro m the stacker
Feeding the trousers partand starting the sew ing operation
1) Selectthe seam program atthe controlpanel(see chapter6.4.2).
2) Place the trousers part1 on the tabletop3fro m the rightand
position itprecisely underneaththe contourguide 2.
As soon as the trousers partis pushed underneaththe lightbarrier4,
the sew ing operation starts autom atically and the contourguide 2
low ers.
32 1
3) The trousers partis sew n.
4) The puller5 low ers,too,and supportsthe feeding ofthe trousers
5) As soon as the m aterialhas passed the lightbarrier,the seam is
finished and the ejector6 low ers.
6) The contourguide 2 and the puller5 m ove upw ards.
7) The ejector6 transportsthe m aterialoutofthe sew ing area.
8) The stacker clam p 8 m oves tothe front.
9) The ejector6 m oves upw ards again.
10) The trousers partisstacked.
11) A ctuatefootsw itch7forrem oving the w orkpieces.
In ordertofacilitatethe m aterialfeed inthe area ofthe sew ing head
the tableblow ing and the ejector6 can be engaged atthe seam
(see chapter5.4)
5.3Adjusting the edge guide
The height-adjustable edge guide ensures a precise positioning ofthe
trousers partinfrontofthe sew ing head.The heightofthe edge guide
canbeadjusted depending on the thickness ofthe m aterialtobe
The draw roll4 guarantees a precise m aterialfeed underthe sew ing
Adjusting the heightofthe edge guide
Draw the dial1 inthe dire c tion ofarrow .
Setthe dial1 to one ofthe fourlock-in positions.
Position1=minim um height
Position4=maxim um height
Fine adjustm entofthe heightofthe edge guide
Turn the dial2 correspondingly.
S e tting the contactpressure ofthe roller 4
Turn the dial3 inclockw ise dire c tion.
The conta c t p re s s u re o f the rolleris reduced.
Turn the dial3 counte r-c lockw ise.
The conta c t p re s s u re o f the rollerisincreased.
5.4Adjusting the blow ing airforthe nozzles inthe tabletop
The blastnozzles 1 inthe tabletop supportthe precise stacking ofthe
Setthe intensityofthe airblastw iththe dial2 atthe controlpanel.
Turn dialtothe right = increased intensityofairblast
Turn dialtothe left = reduced intensityofairblast
5.5.1Standard stacker
Onthe standard stacker the finished w orkpieces are bundled.
As soon as the balance pointofthe trousers parthas been pushed
beyond the tabletop edge 2 by the ejector1,the shield4ofthe stacker
extends and presses the trousers partagainstthe frontbundle bar5.
The blow ing device1ofthe stacker blow s the trousers parton the
stackerover the tw o bundle bars 5 and 6.
The stacker isactivated by a controlpulse.The pneum aticfunctions
canbetaken fro m the pneum aticwiring diagram .
Caution:R isk ofinjury!
D o notreach intothe w orking area ofthe standard stacker during the
stacking operation.
M anualstacking
Press key F7 atthe controlpanel.
Astacking process is c a rried out.
65 4 32 1
5.5.2 Throw -overstacker
The finished w orkpieces are stackedonthe throw -overstacker 2.
The stacked and clam ped w orkpieces can be rem oved by actuating the
footsw itch 1.
The stacker isactivated by a controlpulse.The pneum aticfunctions
canbetaken fro m the pneum aticwiring diagram .
Caution:R isk ofinjury!
D o notreach intothe w orking area ofthe throw -overstackerduring the
stacking operation.
M anualstacking
Press key F7 atthe controlpanel.
Astacking process is c a rried out.
Rem oving stacked parts
Actuatefootsw itch 1 and keep itactuated.
Rem ove the stacked parts.
5.5.3Alternating stacker
Onthe alternating stacker the rightand leftfinished w orkpieces are
stacked separately.
Forthis purpose the table7ofthe stacker is m oved from one side to
the otherafterevery sew ing operation.
As soon as the balance pointofthe trousers parthas been pushed
beyond the tabletop edge 1 by the ejector5,the shield2ofthe stacker
extends and presses the trousers partagainstthe frontbundle bar3.
The ejector6 and the blow ing device atthe shield 2 position the
trousers partaccuratelyoverthe tw o bundle bars 3 and 4.
The stacker isactivated by a controlpulse.The pneum aticfunctions
canbetaken fro m the pneum aticwiring diagram .
Caution:R isk ofinjury!
D o notreach intothe w orking area ofthe alternating stackerduring the
stacking operation.
M anualstacking
Press key F7 atthe controlpanel.
Astacking process is c a rried out.
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