We’re changing the way people stay in touch. You
may have heard of us. You may even already use
us. If you do, thank you. However, unfortunately
there are still lots of people who haven’t heard
about Skype or may be unsure of us. Some of
them may even be friends.
Don’t worry.
We have some nice ideas on how you can get
them excited about Skype.
Ten ways
to get people
excited about Skype.
Let them know that when
they call other people who
also use Skype, they’ll
never have to pay. Ever.
Remind them Skype is
also free to download
from skype.com.
Give them a headset so
you don’t have to listen
to that “But I don’t have
headphones” excuse.
Invite your friend to a
Skype party. Ok, it may be
a conference call but all
their other friends would
be there.
Challenge them to a
yodelling competition.
Have a bill burning night.
If everyone in the world
used Skype, we’d never
have to pay for calls again.
Remind them they could
pretend to live in New York
with a SkypeIn number.
Call them on their old
phone with SkypeOut and
let them know the call is
still cheaper
than the local rate.
Shout loudly about how you
can forward Skype calls to
your cell phone
or landline.
Mention that their
old phone is soooo
20th century.
Skype is a piece of software that allows people around the world to talk
to each other for free.
Sure, we’ve heard this all before. As a company, we’re all used to that notion. But then Mister Wu, Smith
and Blanc aren’t. They may know nothing about Skype. For all we know, they may think the name is
some sort of sexually transmitted disease, pyramid scheme or a car made in deepest, darkest Bohemia.
So once again, Skype is for the people. Skype is everything that a telecoms company is not: generous,
interested and proactive. We allow the people to talk each other and the world for free. That will always
be news.
Skype has simple ways to talk to several people at once – so it’s like
you’ve got the whole family together in your lounge, even though
you might live thousands of miles apart. Families can enjoy talking for
as long as you like, without worrying about the cost or the distance.
Plus with features like conference calling, free video calling and group
chats it’s never been easier to stay in touch with all of the family no
matter how far apart you are.
Skypecasts also allow Skype users to meet new people who share
their interests and bring internet conversations to life, in calls with up
to 100 people.
With Skype you can talk to anyone, anywhere for free. Skype has
changed the way that 100 million people from all around the world
communicate with people they know.