The UNIVEX PM91 is a I HP portable electric unit consisting of a poly "V" belt assembly with
a No.
12 drive hub operating at 250 1pm. It is designed to support and power the UNI VEX MFCl2 Meat and
Food Chopper, VS9 Vegctable slicer, and the VS9H Shredder and Grater food processing attathments.
A 20 quart container, with cover, is supplied for food collection and storage.
The Prep-Mate drive assembly has been inspected and tested at the factory; however, it should be
externally inspected and electrically checked prior to use. The electrical data listed on the nameplate
should be the same as the user's electrical supply. Any damage should be reported to the carrier
immediately, and any shortage or deviation of parts to UNIVEX Corp.
It is a violation of United States Department of Labor regulations to per operation of this unit by
person under the age of 18 years.
The user should read and understand the HID Prep-Mate and the attachment instructions prior to
operation. First time operators should be properly trained in safety precautions and in the
proper use
and servicing ofthis equipment and attachments.
Switch the power "OFF" and disconnect the electrical supply before mounting or disengaging
attachment, or for cleaning and servicingthe equipment.
Before, connecting unit to power source it should also be in the "OFF" position, or the machine will start
when reconnected to the electrical supply, an unsafe condition.
When not in use turn the key activated on/off switch to the "off' position and remove the switch key
(Item No. 21)by pinching the key between thumb and forefinger and drawing it toward you. Removing
the key will prevent unauthorized use.
Be sure the attachment is properly cleaned, assembled, and installed, tighten thumb screw before
connecting to power source. Do not attempt to service the drive assembly. Please contact Univex Corp.
for the number ofthe nearest authorized service agent in your area.
The Prep-Mate should be set-up on a level, stable surface in an area that is convenience for operation,
and has sufficient clearance for safety. Before installing PTO attachment, make sure the adaptor (Item
24) is properly installed on the drive shaft. The PTO should be attached with a twisting motion and in
an upright position. Make sure to tighten the thumb screw . When processing foods please observe
operating and safety instructions. When processing is completed, turn power to "OFF", remove key, and
disconnect power source. Remove the attachment, disassemble, clean, dry and sanitize before storing in
a clean, dry environment. Never hose the machine.
Ifthe circuit breaker is actuated, turn the power switch to "OFF," and disconnect the electrical supply,
determine and then correct the fault before resetting. To prevent unauthorized use, remove the switch
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