SERCOS III Implementation 17 (110)
IDN Name Description
S-0-1050.0.8 Connection control
S-0-1050.1.3 Telegram assignment Telegram type (MDT or AT), telegram number (0 - 3), and C-Com offset
for this connection
S-0-1050.1.5 Actual length of connection Read process data size + 4 + pad byte if process data size is odd
S-0-1050.1.8 Connection control
S-0-1300.0.01 Component Name See SERCOS III Host Object (F1h), p. 93
S-0-1300.0.03 Vendor Code
S-0-1300.0.04 Device Name
S-0-1300.0.05 Vendor Device ID
S-0-1300.0.09 Software Revision
S-0-1300.0.12 Serial Number
S-0-1301 GDP Type & Version
S-0-1302.0.1 FSP Type & Version
S-0-1302.0.2 Function groups List of all instanced FSP_IO function groups
S-0-1302.0.3 Application Type Current application type, see instance #15, Application Type, Network
Configuration Object (04h), p. 54
S-0-1399.0.1 Diagnostic Event Hidden IDN. Used by conformance test
S-0-1500.0.1 IO Control High bit activates PROCESS_ACTIVE state
S-0-1500.0.2 IO Status Bit 15 set when in PROCESS_ACTIVE state
Bit 14 always set
Bit 12-13 indicate any DI instances
S-0-1500.0.3 List of module type codes List of FSP_IO module type codes:
1500: “bus coupler”
1502: digital outputs
1503: digital inputs
S-0-1500.0.11 List of replaced function
List of FSP_IO function group replacements.
The module only supports one-to-one replacements.
Function groups 1502, 1503, 1504, and 1505 are supported. Attempts
at replacement with other function groups will be refused.
S-0-1500.0.12 Rearrangement of IO
Procedure command used to perform the replacement according to
S-0-1502.x.3 Digital output, channel
One 1502 IDN is generated for every read process data mapping, and
one 1503 IDN is generated for every write process data mapping.
Quantity and width are set to match the number of elements and data
type size of the mapping.
The structure instance number starts at 1 and is incremented for each
process data mapping. For this reason the module will only support a
maximum of 255 process data mappings.
S-0-1502.x.4 Digital output, channel
S-0-1503.x.7 Digital input, channel
S-0-1503.x.8 Digital input, channel width
S-0-1504.x.3 Analog output, channel
Normally there are no 1504 or 1505 IDNs available, but IDN/S-0-
1500.0.11 and procedure command IDN/S-0-1500.0.12 can be used to
replace digital 1502 and 1503 IDNs with analog 1504 and 1505 IDNs
The replacement is purely a change in representation of the process
data, and has no effect on the actual raw process data exchange.
S-0-1504.x.4 Analog output, channel
S-0-1505.x.7 Analog input, channel
S-0-1505.x.8 Analog input, channel width
Anybus®CompactCom™30 SERCOS III Network Guide HMSI-168-72 3.1 en-US