Step Exercises
Up and Down Step Exercise 2
■Exercise Instructions
1. Up and down step exercise. Place the
device back-to-front on the floor, and
then sit down on a chair. Place the
arches of your feet on the top of the foot
plates, making sure that your heels are
overhanging at the back.
2. Press down with each foot, alternating
between the left and right feet. Press
down with enough strength so that the
cushion stops just before it hits the main
body frame.
3. Once you feel comfortable with the
exercise, press down with both feet.
Press down with enough strength so
that the cushion stops just before it hits
the main body frame.
上下ステップ運動 3
*The foot plates should be able to move freely.
Performed in Exercise Mode (see page 2).
■Important Notes Before Exercising
Perform this exercise at a sedate pace, so that you are able to hold a conversation comfortably.
Use your hands to hold on to the chair to help you generate more strength.
Perform this exercise while seated.
Key Points
● Perform this exercise at your own pace, doing as many repetitions as you like, for
as long as you like, depending on your physical condition.
● Perform this step exercise by focusing on the muscles used.
Muscles used: thighs, shins, and calves.
● The load on the muscles can be adjusted by arranging the device in different
positions (see page 7).
■Important Notes Before Exercising
・Perform this exercise at a sedate pace, so that you are able to hold a conversation
・Use your hands to hold on to the chair to help you generate more strength.
・Perform this exercise while seated.
Side Step Exercise
Step Exercises
Key Points
● Perform this exercise at your own pace, doing as many repetitions as you like, for as long as
you like, depending on your physical condition.
● Perform this step exercise by focusing on the muscles used.
Muscles used: buttocks, thighs, shins, and hips.
● The load on the muscles can be adjusted by arranging the device in different positions (see
page 7).
● Rotate the foot plate until it is completely closed, then pause briefly. Repeat this rotating
movement over and over. If you do not focus on the muscles used, the foot plate will close by
itself due to the strength of the spring. Concentrate on controlling the spring to work out the
■Exercise Instructions
1. Sit on a chair and place both feet
on the foot plates.
2. Swivel your feet in and out.
Start with small movements,
gradually making bigger movements.
3. Once you feel comfortable with
the exercise, rotate your feet by
drawing a semi-circle, moving both
inward and outward.
■Moving inward ■Moving
*The foot plates should be able to move freely.
Performed in Exercise Mode (see page 2).