Other Handling Considerations .................16
Loading a Compact Disc ...................17
Opening the Tray Manually...................18
Playing an Audio CD .....................18
General Information for the 8mm Tape Drive ..............18
Front View of the 8mm Tape Drive ................19
Operating Recommendations ..................20
8 mm Tape Cartridge Types ..................20
Tape Cartridge Compatibility ..................21
Setting the Write-Protect Tab on 8 mm Tape Cartridges .........21
Environmental Considerations for 8 mm Data Cartridges .........22
Operating the 8mm Tape Drive in Harsh Environments .........22
Erasing 8 mm Data Cartridge ..................22
Using the 8mm Tape Drive ....................23
Status Lights .......................23
Liquid Crystal Display ....................24
Changing the Display Language .................24
Loading the 8 mm Tape Cartridge ................25
Unloading the 8 mm Tape Cartridge ................26
Cleaning the Tape Drive....................27
Obtaining Additional Tape Cartridges ...............29
General information for the 12/24GB 4mm Tape Drive ...........29
Front View of the 12/24GB 4mm Tape Drive .............30
Using the 12/24GB 4mm Tape Drive.................30
Operating Recommendations ..................30
12/24 GB 4 mm Tape Cartridge Types ...............31
Tape Cartridge Compatibility ..................31
4 mm Tape Write Density Setting.................31
Setting the Write-Protect Tab on 12/24 GB 4 mm Tape Cartridges ......32
Erasing 12/24 GB 4 mm Data Cartridge ..............32
Environmental Considerations for 12/24 GB 4 mm Data Cartridges .....32
Operating the 12/24GB 4mm Tape Drive in Harsh Environments ......33
Status Lights .......................33
Status Light States .....................34
Loading the 12/24 GB 4 mm Tape Cartridge .............35
Unloading the 12/24 GB 4 mm Tape Cartridge ............36
Cleaning the Tape Path on the 12/24GB 4mm Tape Drive ........37
Obtaining Additional Tape Cartridges ...............38
Using the Service Processor and Service Director Features .........38
Service Processor......................38
Service Director ......................39
Chapter 3. Using the Service Processor...............41
Service Processor Menus ....................42
Service Processor Menu Inactivity ................42
Accessing Service Processor Menus Locally .............42
Accessing Service Processor Menus Remotely ............42
General User Menu ......................43
Privileged User Menus .....................44
iv 44P Series Model 170 User’s Guide