Analog (4 to 20 mA) Outputs Two 4-20mA outputs from separate
terminals are available for bidirectional
When internally powered, a loop volt-
age of 24 V DC is supplied with a maxi
mum load of 800 Ohms. Theses outputs
are not potential free, but are isolated
from ground and all other circuits, but
not from each other.
When externally powered, the maxi-
mum load is calculated by: Max. Ohms
= [(Vdc x 50) - 300] For an external 24
Vdc supply, this would be [(24 x 50)
- 300] = 900 Ohms. Minimum current
3.75mA, maximum 22mA
Signal Damping 0 to 300 seconds
Pulse Output Two-wire, externally powered, congu-
rable as a scaled output (for totalizing
ow) or frequency output (for rate of
ow). Rated 5 - 42 volts DC, 200 mA.
Scaled Mode (for totalizing) Medium: 50 ms pulse width with maxi-
mum frequency of 10 Hz Fast: 5 ms
pulse width with maximum frequency
of 100 Hz
Frequency Mode (for rate indication) Square wave output, 0 - 1,000 Hz,
0 - 2,000 Hz, 0 - 5,000 Hz,
0 - 10,000 Hz
Relay Outputs (2) Two user congurable form C (change-
over) relays, activated based on forward
or reverse ow, forward or reverse
total, net total, gross total, or analog in
sig nal. Contact rating 125V AC, 1A,
Maximum Distance Between Flow
Transmitter and Flowtube
300 feet or 66C (100m or 20C),
whichever is less, for conductivity > 5
mS/cm where C is conductivity in in
mS/cm (micromhos/cm).
For cable lengths > 100 feet (30m) or
conductivities < 5 mS/cm, a preamp in
the magmeter is necessary.
4411e Electromagnetic Flow Transmitter
Section 1 Introduction