OS deployment fails when NPAR is enabled on a target node and disabled in System Profile.............. 146
Available OMIVV appliance version displays wrong information when the available version is
lesser than the current version.......................................................................................................................... 146
The 267027 exception is thrown while adding a 12G and later bare-metal server ...................................146
During deployment, system profile apply fails due to iDRAC error................................................................146
OMIVV RPM upgrade fails when proxy is configured with domain user authentication..........................146
Unable to apply System Profile that has PCIe card in the FX chassis..........................................................146
Drift Detection shows noncompliant for Modular servers that has PCIe card in the FX chassis ......... 147
Unable to deploy an OS on PowerEdge serves when the iDRAC does not populate the MAC
address of the selected NIC .............................................................................................................................. 147
When creating a host credential profile for the host having ESXi 6.5U1, the Service Tag of the
host is not displayed on the Select Hosts page............................................................................................. 147
Dell EMC icon is not displayed after backup and restore from an earlier OMIVV version to a later
OMIVV version........................................................................................................................................................147
When upgrading or downgrading some iDRAC firmware versions using OMIVV, even when the
firmware update is successful, OMIVV may indicate that the job is failed. ........................................... 148
Configuring the System Lockdown mode at a cluster level sometimes displays a message "No
hosts under the cluster has successful inventory"........................................................................................148
Sometimes post RPM upgrade of OMIVV appliance, multiple entries in the logs are seen in
vCenter Recent Tasks.......................................................................................................................................... 148
After registration of vCenter, the Dell EMC logo of OMIVV is not displayed on the home page of
VMware ...................................................................................................................................................................148
Non-compliant 11G PowerEdge servers are retained in OMIVV inventory after backup and restore...148
Unable to launch vCenter from flex client after upgrading the OMIVV appliance ................................... 149
When adding or removing network adapters to OMIVV, the existing NICs disappear from the
OMIVV console.......................................................................................................................................................149
After adding or removing the second NIC, the Network Configuration page shows three NICs.......... 149
A server with Unknown status in the earlier version is not listed on the Bare-metal Servers page
after backing up and restoring to a latest OMIVV version..........................................................................149
After OS deployment, OMIVV failed to add ESXi host to vCenter or failed to add Host Profile or
Enter Maintenance Mode is failed for host.....................................................................................................150
iDRAC license status is displayed as compliant on the management compliance page when the
iDRAC IP is not reachable....................................................................................................................................150
ESXi host is either disconnected or not responding state after successful OS deployment using
Deployment job times out when network interface card (NIC) of OMIVV is not connected to the
ESXi host network.................................................................................................................................................150
Warranty job is not running for certain hosts.....................................................................................................150
Proactive HA initialization is not happening after performing backup and restore....................................151
OMIVV page displays invalid session, or time out exception, or two million errors in Firefox
browser..................................................................................................................................................................... 151
In vCenter, recent tasks pane does not show the details column for some OMIVV task
notifications............................................................................................................................................................. 151
When using vCenter 6.5 U2, 2000002 error might be displayed in all the pages of OMIVV.................. 151
The 2000002 error is displayed in all the pages of OMIVV after performing RPM upgrade or
backup and restore from an earlier OMIVV version to a later OMIVV version....................................... 151
Sometimes, OMIVV takes long time to complete vCenter un-registration................................................. 152
Bare-metal deployment issues......................................................................................................................................152
Enabling auto discovery on newly purchased system.......................................................................................152
Appendix A: System specific attributes......................................................................................153