Barco service bulletin
Serial Number: InfoT670
Date: 27/09/2006
Product: iD(Pro)R600+
Priority code*: D
”Must” modification, Barco will provide t he necessary components to per form this mo difica tion
at no charge.
Improves the reliability of the product.
Improves the general working conditions of the product.
For information only.
1.1 Domain of application
Domain of application
This new firmware was needed with the introduction of the new generation iD projectors i.e
the iD R600+ and the iD Pro R600+
This means that the software is compatible with the new formatter (R764993) and the
new DVI board (R7640916) , and backwards compatible with the existing projectors (old
formatter/DV I input).
The firmware V1.30 is thus applicable on following projectors :
Product n am e Product number
formatter type
DVI input
iD R600 R9010340
old old
iD Pro R600 R9010350
old old
iD R600+ R9010341
new (R764993) new (R7640916)
iD Pro R600+ R9010351
new (R764993) new (R7640916)
The new fo rmatter uses BrilliantColor
Barco nv Presentations
Noordlaan 5,
8520 Kuurne
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