PowerWiring nterconnections
,& WARNINGShockHazard.Installinglowand highvoltage
wirein sameconduitcouldresultindeathor serious
theinsulationratingonALLwiringisratedfor 600V.SeeNEC
for moreinformation.
All wiring must bethe proper size,properly supported
and protectedby conduit. All wiring should be done per
applicablefederal, state and local codes,standards and
regulations. Obeywire type andtorque specifications printed
on the terminal blocks and neutral/ground connector.
Approvedfor copper and aluminum conductors.
Completethe following connections betweenthe transfer
switch, main distribution panel,utility power and generator.
Use installer-supplied 300VACor greaterwire that complies
with Table310.16 in the NationalElectricCode.Apply the
necessarycorrection factors and wire size calculations.
NOTICE improper installation can causedamageto the
circuit boardsand shorten their life. Installing circuit
boards in live circuits will damagethe board and is not
covered by warranty. ALWAYSdisconnect ALL sources of
power prior to servicing.
° Removeall power prior to installing this equipment.
Failureto do so could causeinternal damageto the board
when making electricalconnections.
° Turn generatorto OFFposition.
° Turn off utility power to the standby g_neratorand
Assure grounding electrode conductor is connectedand
bonded per applicablefederal, stateand local codes,
standards and regulations.
9. Connectfeederconductors from transfer switch
breaker"GENERATORCONNECTION"terminals to
generator circuit breakerLINE1and LINE2terminals.
Eachconductor must pass through hob of current
transformer beforemaking connection.
10. Hug current transformer leads into "CTI" and "CT2"
terminals on transfer switch control board.
11. Connectconductor from transfer switch neutral
terminal to generatorNEUTRALterminal.
Observegeneratorcontrol panel labeling for
terminal identification.
44 11
Circuit (o
_ Breaker
Line 1 Line 2
transfer switch. To Transfer Switch
1. Setgenerators circuit bre£k#_¢o_F (open)position. Connectconductor from transfer switch "GND terminal
2. Setgenerator's s,y,stem _w_8_to OFFposition and to generatorcontrol panel GROUND terminal.
remove 15 Amp fuse from@stem g@:_ol panel. Assure generatorequipment grounding conductor is
3. Turn off utility power to the standby g_neratQ_a_d ...... connected per applicablefederal, stateand local codes,
transfer switch, standards and regulations.
,& WARNING Batteryposts, terminals and: _a ed ....... 13. Connectthetransfer switch "UTiLiTY 240 VAC"
accessoriescontain lead and lead compound_ ::chemicals
known to the State of California to causecancer and
reproductive harm. Wasl_I_andsafter I_andling,
4. Connectutility serviceto transfer switch's utility
disconnect circuit breakerterminals marked
5. Connectutility service neutralto transfer switch
6. Connectmain distribution panel feeder
conductors to transfer switch terminals marked
7. Connectmain distribution panel neutral conductor to
transfer switch neutralterminal.
terminals to generator's "240 VAC"terminals
using installer supplied 300VACor greater
wire, minimum//14 AWGconductors via
two-pole connector supplied with generator.
NOTICEBeforedrillingconduitentryhobs,or anyotherhobs,
coverandprotecttheswitchandelectronicsto preventdirtand
metalfragmentsfrom enteringthemechanicalandelectrical
components.Failureto do somayresultindamageor malfunction
NOTICEUseavacuumto cleananydirt or metalshavingsinside
thetransferswitch.Donotusea blowerorcompressedair toclean
in theelectricalandmechanicalcomponentscausingdamageor
8. Connectmain distribution panel ground conductor to
transfer switch "GND"terminal.