Installation Tips
1. At manholes, flexible manhole connections like
rubber boots, A-Loks, etc. can be used.
With rubber boot manhole connectors, install
either a standard A-2000 double
gasket (8”-10”) or an A-2000 manhole gasket
(12”-36”) on the pipe spigot under the stainless
steel strap (see manhole connection detail on page
12). Where manholes are manufactured with A-Lok
connections, use a Contech PVC manhole sleeve.
2. Do not probe for the pipe with rods, shovels, or
other sharp objects when excavating down to
install laterals, etc. Instead, mark the elevation of
the pipe with stakes or other markers to help locate it.
3. When haunching the pipe or digging down to
install laterals, take care not to damage the pipe
with shovels, or other construction equipment.
4. String only enough pipe to use during the day’s
laying operations.
5. A full line of adapters to other pipes is available. See
Contech A-2000 Fittings Catalogs.
6. After proper assembly, the first load of backfill
should be placed over the middle of the pipe.
While the first load is being placed, the free bell
end should be held safely on line by the pipe layer.
This technique will minimize pipe movement during
backfilling. Subsequent loads of backfill may be
placed in a normal fashion.