Food Tempera-
ture °C
Water in the water
drawer in ml
in min.
Shelf po-
Ratatouille 96 400 25 - 30 2
Brussels sprouts 96 550 30 - 35 2
Cauliflower, whole 96 700 40 - 45 2
Sauerkraut 96 700 50 - 60 2
Tomatoes, whole 96 250 15 - 20 2
Beetroot, whole 96 550 60 - 70 2
Kohlrabi/celery /fennel, sliced 96 550 35 - 40 2
Courgettes, sliced 96 400 20 - 25 2
Carrots, sliced 96 550 30 - 35 2
Defrosting vegetables 96 550 30 - 35 2
Defrosting and cooking veg-
96 550 30 - 35 2
Blanching vegetables 96 250 12 - 15 2
Blanching beans 96 250 20 - 22 2
Tender veal ham 1000 g 96 700 50 - 75 2
Smoked loin of pork
600-1000 g
96 700 45 - 55 2
Frankfurter / veal sausage 96 250 15 - 20 2
Warming meat loaf in 1 cm
96 400 20 - 25 2
Trout, 170-300 g 96 400 15 - 25 2
Eggs, soft 96 200 8 - 12 2
Eggs, medium 96 200 10 - 15 2
Eggs, hard 96 200 15-20 2
1) The times are for guidance only.
TRUE FAN and VIGOROUS STEAM in succession
You can cook meat, vegetables and accompaniments one after the other by combining
functions TRUE FANand VIGOROUS STEAM and together in case of function VIGOROUS
STEAM . All components are ready to serve at the same time.
• use TRUE FAN function to initial roast of the food;
• put prepared vegetables and accompaniments in oven-proof dishes and place in the
oven with the roast.
• start the VIGOROUS STEAM function and cook it all together until ready.
Cool down the oven to a temperature of around 80°C before you start the VIGOROUS
STEAMfunction. To cool the appliance down quicker, open the oven door to the first position
for approximately 15 minutes.
Uses, tables and tips