Trouble-Shooting Guide
Sometimes you may cBme acr0_i_ nor I_r_b erb_ _ ihcreased, k;e formation may be one of the follov_ir_ii
that in most cases do not require a service call and the door does not seal well (clean the gasket if it is
can be easily eliminated° The problem may have contaminated, or4'ep!ac_'!t i!iit tsl,dam_ged),.;_. _!_'_.!_i_ii_
-the door"ts frequently op_ned 6r left {bo 0_g; ;;iii:;"resulted from improper handling and/or installation of
the appliance Please refer to the below trouble-
shooting guide to assist you in identifying the
poss)ble cause and solution to your problem. Should
the probtem still persist after completing these
checkpoints, Contact the closest authorized service
agent In your area for assistance.
The Appliance Fails to
Operlatle_ A\ft,_e_€OnneCt mg to
• Check t_napower cord is #roperly connected
• Check_(Be _pwer_upply in the etectrical outlet.
' Ma_e!_u'_:e;tbe al_ii,nce is switched on.
, (ther_Ssiaf'kr_0b in operating _5ositlon)
Cooling:S)stem ....
'4 '
+ T_e do0,Isffecldenlly openedioileftOpen for
, !:too ong_
, m_edooris,oipiope,yclosed(thedoormaysag.
the gasket may be polluted or damaged).
,. Pprhaps'y0ti :_eyhava overto&ded the appliance
I.With fresh foods; ....
; The-i'e_so__'nay be inadequate Ventilation of the
compressor (assure adequate air circulation).
Ice Formation on the inner
Rear Wall
As long as the defrost water runs to the channel and
through the outlet to the drain pan on the
comp_:essor, automatic defrosting of the appliance
is assured
In case the ice formation on the inner back wall is
increased (3-5 ram), Ice should be manually
Set the thermostat knob to STOP tO| position and
leave the door open. Never use electdc devices for
defrosting and do not scrape the ice or frost layer
with sharp objecls
;lhe food stored in the refrigerator was warm;
-the food or dtsh is touching the inner back wall.
Water; is Leaking' FrOm_th:i_ -:.,_:_;r_'
It the discharge water outlet is clogged, or the
defrost water drips over the channel, water will leak
from the refrigerator.
• Clean the clogged outlet, for example with e
plastic straw.
, Manually defrost the increased Ice layer. See
"Ice Formation on the Inner rear Wail"
Noise .........
Cool!rig in a refrigerator-freezing appliance is rnade _
possible by cooling the system using a €ompressOr _
Which Wiillpr0ddce certain noise tevels:. How n6tSy the
appliance is depends on where it is pieced, how it is ,
used and how old the app!!ar_ce is. :_ _ !
, During the operation 0f the dompressor the
nolsb 6t the liquid is I_d _::WheO_:flle compressor _
a ribrm&l€onditi6_ and ii 5_ hS"inf)Lie65e
whatsoever on the Net_me of the appiiance_
, Afte_ start|rig the apphance,, th.e'operatlon of i:
ii_eCSmp_:ess6rar_d the rrefrigei._nifldw may be
Im_der, which does not mean Ihat something is wrong
with the appliance and tt has no influence on the
lifetime of the appliance. Gradually the is noise
• Sometimes unusual and louder noise is heard,
which is rather unusual for the appliance° This noise
is often a consequence of inadequate installation.
-The appliance must be level and installed on a firm
so;id base/flOOrr
-It should not touch the wall or kitchen units slanding
next to it.
_Check the accessories on the interior of the
appliance, they should be placed correctly in their
positions; also check, bottles, tins, and other vessels
are not touching each other causing rattling
andlor vibrations.
After defrosting is complete, turn the knob to desired
position and close the refrigerator door.The cause of