This safety guidelines are designed for you to help you operate your
Fresh ‘n Rebel Notebook Charger safely. To ensure your personal
safety and reduce the risks of fire, electric shock, or injury:
• Alwaysfollowtheinstructionsandwarningsclosely.
• Readallinstructionsinthisusermanualcarefullybeforeoperating
the product.
• Donotopenthedevice;therearenoserviceablepartsinside.
• Youradaptershouldbeusedwithcablesandtipsprovidedby
Fresh ‘n Rebel only. Using your charger with cables and tips not
provided by Fresh ‘n Rebel may result in serious or fatal injury,
and/or property damage.
• Donotoperatethepoweradapternearaheatsource,aheatvent,
should be used between temperatures 0°C-35°C (32°F-95°F).
• Donotcoverthechargerwithpaperorothermaterialsthatmay
obstruct with the cooling.
• Topreventinjuryand/orpropertydamage,disconnecttheinput
power cable from the power outlet when it is not used.
• Donotleavetheadapterunattendedwhileinuse.
• Theadaptermaybecomehotduringnormaloperation.
Please handle the adapter carefully during and immediately
after operation.
• Whileoperatingtheadapter,checkperiodicallythattheinput
and output cables are connected firmly. Loose power cables can
generate harmful heat and can damage the adapter.
• Donotuseyouradapterinawetenvironment.
• Verifythepowerrequirementofthedeviceyouintendtocharge
before operating your adapter, charging with the wrong voltage
or wattage may harm your device.
Warranty & Limitations
manship under normal usage, as described in the user manual, for
a period of 2 years from the date of purchase. During that period,
defective products may be oered for repair or replacement at the
store where the product was bought.
The warranty does not cover accidental damage, wear and tear,
incidental loss or use beyond the instructions in the user manual.
Product Specifications
DC Input: 12-14V
DC Output: 15-16V - 4,5A / 19V - 3,7A
USB Output: 5V - 1A
Dimensions: 55 X 89 X 16 mm
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